• 40 Mini
    "40 years Deparment of Geology"
  • Gigapan_Iliopoulos

  • Φοιτητές
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Τμήμα Γεωλογίας, Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Deinosauros 2.5x PP 6 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stone Tools Astypalaia
    "Archaeometric study of Early Bronze Age stone tools in Astypalaia"
  • Stavros Kalaitzidis   DSC05214 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Karstiki Pigi Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stavros Kalaitzidis   20160530 113104 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Ύπαιθρος
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stavros Kalaitzidis   IMG 2490 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Erasmus Nanterre
    "Erasmus+ mobility: Maison Archéologie & Ethnologie, CNRS/Université Paris Nanterre"
  • 02
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Zaggana Piges Lourou Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Z17 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Efthimios Sokos 20160812 143123 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stavros Kalaitzidis   WP 20160727 14 04 37 Pro Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Το τμήμα
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • 03
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Σαλιγκάρια
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • SEM micrograph of an ancient ceramic fresh fracture
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Zaggana Piges Labras Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Clypeaster Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • 04
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"

School  Natural Sciences
Academic Unit
 Geology Department
Level of Studies
Course Code
Εξάμηνο σπουδών  2ο
Course Title
 Field Work I
Independent Teaching Activities
  Fieldwork – Field trips
Weekly Teaching Hours
  4 +1 + 1 days
Credits  3
Course Type
General knowledge, Skills development
Prerequisite Courses
Planet Earth, Geomorphology, Palaeontology
Language of Instruction & Examinations
Greek. Teaching
Is the Course offered to Erasmus Students
Course Web-Page (URL)  https://eclass.upatras.gr/field-trips/Geol_014
Learning Outcomes

For course Field work I the following fieldwork days will be required: four (4) days for the course “Planet Earth”, one (1) day for the course “Geomorphology” and one (1) day for the course “Paleontology”.

The four daily field trips take place at:

  1. Kalavrita, Aroanios River springs, Kastria caves (within the courses Planet Earth and Geomorphology)
  2. Corinth channel, Sousaki volcano (within the courses Planet Earth and Paleontology)
  3. Charadros River – Ortos hill (within the courses Planet Earth and Paleontology)
  4. Outcrops at Proastio area in Patras (within the course Planet Earth)

The purpose of the above mentioned field-trips is to help the student to understand the topics of the studied courses, such as:

  1. To understand the dynamics of surface earth processes
  2. Introduction to the main minerals and sedimentary rocks
  3. The water cycle, groundwater, surface water, streams and drainage systems
  4. Glacial and periglacial geomorphology, Karstic geomorphology, fluvial geomorphology and morhotectonics
  5. Volcanicity: Types of volcanic activity, Magma, Volcanoes and Igneous rocks. Types of volcanic vents, the example of Sousaki.
  6. Main tectonic structures such as faults, and the respective extensional regimes that affect sedimentary basins. The example of the isthmus of Corinth
  7. Earthquakes and their effect on humans
  8. To distinguish and to identify fossils in the rocks
  9. To understand that fossils consist clasts of the sedimentary rocks
  10. To learn how to extract them from the sediments and collect them properly
  11. To familiarize with some of the most important and common groups of organisms we encounter as fossils
  12. To be able to associate organisms with specific living environments which can define the respective depositional environments
General Competences
  • Search for, analysis and synthesis of data and information, with the use of the necessary geological tools (maps, bibliography, reports etc.)
  • Introduce the students to the main topics of Geology
  1. Kalavryta, Springs of Aroanios River, Cave of Kastria: Understanding the mechanisms of erosion, weathering and transport, gravitational movements and landslides. The surface water at the springs of Aroanios river, and the groundwater in the caves of Kastria, water. Glaciers and kartification phenomena
  2. Corinth, Sousaki: Tectonism with the presence of extensional faults and how these affect the sedimentary basins of the Isthmus of Corinth, Marine fossils. Types of volcanic activity, produced products, texture and rock structure, Volcanic vents and their types, the example of Sousaki
  3. Haradros River - Ortos: Sediments and sedimentary rocks, the bedding, the uncomformities, the different lithologies, the plant and animal fossils, the geological outcrops
  4. Brick factory at Proastio, Patras: Lacustrine and lagoonal environments, coal horizons, fossils, uncomformities
Delivery Six daily field-trips for three prerequisite courses aiming to the better understanding of teaching elements provided during lectures and practicals
Use of Information & Communication Technology
Support of Learning Process and Dissemination of educational material through the University of Patras e-class  platform  from where the respective guidebook for the field-trips can be downloaded.
Teaching Methods
Activity Semester workload
Lectures for field-trip preparation 6*2=12
Field-trips 6*8=48
Writing of the reports 6*5=30
 Total number of hours for the Course  90
 Student Performance Evaluation

Students must write for each filed-trip a report in order to prove that they understood in each field trip the demonstrated geological features.

Marking Scale: 0-10.

Minimum Passing Mark: 5.
Attached Bibliography

Suggested bibliography mainly  in Greek:

  1. Σημειώσεις Μαθήματος Θεωρίας και Εργαστηρίου που παρέχονται σε pdf μέσω e-class.
  2. Γεωλογία Αρχές και Εφαρμογές, Θ. Δούτσος 421 σελ, Παρέχεται μέσω ΕΥΔΟΞΟΣ
  3. Γεωλογία Η επιστήμη της Γης, Παπανικολάου και Σιδέρης 291 σελ Παρέχεται μέσω ΕΥΔΟΞΟΣ
  4. Διερευνώντας τη Γη, Δερμιτζάκης και Λέκκας 593 σελ.
  5. Physical Geology, Skimmer- Porter, John Wiley & Sons 1987
  6. Earth Surface Processes Landforms and Sediment Deposits, Bridge and Demicco, Cambridge Univ. Press 2008
  7. Γεωργιάδου-Δικαιούλια, Ε., Συμεωνίδης, Ν.Κ., Θεοδώρου, Γ.Ε., 2003, Παλαιοντολογία, ΜΕΡΟΣ Α. Εκδόσεις - Γραφικές Τέχνες ΓΚΕΛΜΠΕΣΗΣ ΑΝΤ. ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ
  8. 8.Γεωργιάδου-Δικαιούλια, Ε., Συμεωνίδης, Ν.Κ., Θεοδώρου, Γ.Ε., 2003, Παλαιοντολογία, ΜΕΡΟΣ Β. Εκδόσεις - Γραφικές Τέχνες ΓΚΕΛΜΠΕΣΗΣ ΑΝΤ. ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ
  9. 9.Γεωργιάδου-Δικαιούλια, Ε., Συμεωνίδης, Ν.Κ., Θεοδώρου, Γ.Ε.. 2003, Παλαιοντολογία, ΜΕΡΟΣ Γ. Εκδόσεις - Γραφικές Τέχνες ΓΚΕΛΜΠΕΣΗΣ ΑΝΤ. ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ
  10. 10.Prothero, R.D., 1998, Bringing  fossils to life: An introduction to palaeobiology, WCB/McGraw-Hill
  11. 11.Clarkson, E., 1998, Invertebrate Palaeontology and evolution, Wiley-Blackwell