Avramidis Pavlos | Professor | General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 996163
Avramidis Pavlos
Pavlos Avramidis is Professor of Sedimentology in the Department of Geology, University of Patras Greece. His research focuses on Geology - Sedimentology of Aquatic Systems, particularly in coastal ecosystems (lagoons, deltas, bays). He graduated from the Department of Geology, University of Patras, Greece, in 1995, and in 1999 concluded his PhD in the scientific field of “Petroleum Sedimentology”. He was a graduate (PhD) and postdoctoral scholar of the Greek State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) in the subject of Energy Mineral Resources and Geology – Oceanography respectively. Since 1998 he studied more than 30 large public works projects, as a geotechnical consultant on subjects of geotechnical engineering, geology, hydrogeology and environmental sedimentology. From 2008 till 2014 he was Assistant Professor of Geology of Aquatic Systems of the Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece. He has large experience in performing deep spot drilling and geotechnical design – instrumental monitoring as well as coastal and environmental sedimentology. His research focuses on palaeonvironmental reconstruction based on sedimentary analyses, radiocarbon dating and faunal assemblages. He teaches the following courses for under graduate students: (a) Sedimentology, (b) Introduction to Geology and (c) Geological Mapping and MSc course Geology of Aquatic Systems. He has participated as principal researcher in 15 national research programs of the University of Patras and is currently scientific coordinator on six (6) research programs implemented by the Research Committee of the University of Patras.
Bathrellos George | Professor | General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics | +30 2610 997 561
Bathrellos George
Orcid ID: 0000-0001-6922-6639
Web of Science ID: H-2717-2018
Scopus ID: 6506041386
Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=o5N8-TsAAAAJ&hl=el&oi=ao
Geomorphology; Natural Hazards; Urban Geology
Depountis Nikolaos | Associate Professor | Applied Geology & Geophysics | (+30) 2610 997715
Depountis Nikolaos

Google Scholar Profile
Office hours
Geraga Maria | Professor | General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 997412
Geraga Maria
Google Scholar Profile
Oceanography, Paleoclimatology, Archaeological Oceanography, Marine Geology, Palaecology
Iliopoulos George | Professor | General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 996160
Iliopoulos George

Google Scholar Profile
Palaeontology with special interest in Vertebrate Palaeontology, Fossil bone geochemistry and histology, Stratigraphy-biostratigraphy, Palaeoecology
Iliopoulos Ioannis | Professor | Earth Materials | (+30) 2610 997710
Iliopoulos Ioannis
Google Scholar Profile
Metamorphic Petrology, Industrial Minerals, Archaeometry.
Selected Publications
Office hours (meet online on zoom: http://bit.ly/meet_ILIOPOULOS)
- - Tuesday 10:00-11:00
- - Wednesday 14:00-15:00
- - Friday 10:00-11:00
Kalaitzidis Stavros | Professor | Earth Materials | (+30) 2610 996158
Kalaitzidis Stavros
Google Scholar Profile
Economic Geology, Peat & Coal Geology, Ore Geology, Organic Petrology, Environmental Applications of Coals, Environmental Impacts of coal utilization.
Office hours
- - Monday 11:00-14:00
- - Tuesday 12:00-14:00
- - Wednesday 11:00-14:00
- - Thursday 11:00-14:00
Kazakis Nerantzis | Assistant Professor | Applied Geology & Geophysics | 2610996294

Kazakis Nerantzis
Orcid ID:

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=7INNQFwAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nerantzis-Kazakis
Kokkalas Sotiris | Professor | General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 996274
Kokkalas Sotiris
Google Scholar Profile
Neotectonics, Microtectonics, Geodynamics, Active Faulting, Paleoseismology, Fault analysis, Stress analysis
Ώρες Υποδοχής Φοιτητών
- - Tuesday 11:00-13:00
- - Wendesday 11:00-12:00
Koukouvelas Ioannis | Professor | General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 996157
Koukouvelas Ioannis

Google Scholar Profile
Structural Geology. Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, Magma emplacement
Office hours
Koutsovitis Petros Dimitris | Associate Professor | Earth Materials | +30 2610 997737
Koutsovitis Petros Dimitris

Google Scholar Profile
Petrogenesis of igneous rocks
Lampropoulou Paraskevi | Assistant Professor | Earth Materials | (+30) 2610 997599
Lampropoulou Paraskevi
Office hours
Tuesday 11:00-13:00, Wednesday 13:00-14:00
Applied Mineralogy-Petrology
Mineralogical-petrographic characterization of geomaterials and uses
Development of compositions such as inorganic geopolymers, ceramic structural compositions and other materials with wide application and industrial demand, eg in environmental applications, in the cement industry, in the building brick-tile industry and in general construction materials. Correlation of mineralogy- petrography with remote sensing methods, e.g geological mapping, beach rocks
Nikolakopoulos Konstantinos | Professor | Applied Geology & Geophysics | (+30) 2610 997592
Nikolakopoulos Konstantinos
Google Scholar Profile
GIS, Remote Sensing,Photogrammetry,Hydrology,Geological Mapping
Papatheodorou George | Professor | General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 996275
Papatheodorou George
Google Scholar Profile
Environmental Oceanography, Marine Geology
Papoulis Dimitrios | Professor | Earth Materials | (+30) 2610 996159
Papoulis Dimitrios

Google Scholar Profile
Earth Materials, Clays and Clay minerals
Roumelioti Zafeiria | Associate Professor | Applied Geology & Geophysics | +30 2610 997262
Roumelioti Zafeiria
Orchid ID:

Researcher ID: H-1539-2015
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=8mm-O2YAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Sokos Efthimios | Professor | Applied Geology & Geophysics | (+30) 2610 997204
Sokos Efthimios

Τεχνική Σεισμολογία. Μελέτη Σεισμικής Πηγής. Μικροζωνικές. Σεισμική επικινδυνότητα. Παρακολούθηση σεισμικότητας. Σεισμικά σενάρια.
Office hours
Tsikos Harilaos | Assistant Professor | Earth Materials | +30 2610 997 578
Tsikos Harilaos
Research Interests
- Low-temperature geochemistry
- Paleoceanography
- Sedimentary Ore Deposits
Xypolias Paris | Professor | General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 997 585
Xypolias Paris
Google Scholar Profile
Structural Geology, Microtectonics, Petrofabrics, Rock deformation, Strain analysis in ductile shear zones.
Office hours
- - Monday to Friday 10:00-11:00
- - Wednesday 11:00-14:00
Zaggana Eleni | Associate Professor | Applied Geology & Geophysics | (+30) 2610 997593
Zaggana Eleni
Google Scholar Profile
Aplied Hydrogeology, Hydrochemistry
Zelilidis Avraam | Professor | General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 962272
Zelilidis Avraam
br> orcid.org/0000-0003-3337-129X
Google Scholar Profile
Sedimentary basin analysis, Petroleum Geology.