• Σαλιγκάρια
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Zaggana Piges Labras Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Clypeaster Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stavros Kalaitzidis   IMG 2490 Mini
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  • Efthimios Sokos 20160812 143123 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • 40 Mini
    "40 years Deparment of Geology"
  • 02
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Karstiki Pigi Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Το τμήμα
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Ύπαιθρος
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Gigapan_Iliopoulos

  • 03
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Τμήμα Γεωλογίας, Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Deinosauros 2.5x PP 6 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stavros Kalaitzidis   20160530 113104 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stavros Kalaitzidis   WP 20160727 14 04 37 Pro Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Z17 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • SEM micrograph of an ancient ceramic fresh fracture
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stone Tools Astypalaia
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  • Erasmus Nanterre
    "Erasmus+ mobility: Maison Archéologie & Ethnologie, CNRS/Université Paris Nanterre"
  • Zaggana Piges Lourou Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stavros Kalaitzidis   DSC05214 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • 04
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Φοιτητές
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"

School  Natural Sciences
Academic Unit
 Geology Department
Level of Studies
Course Code
Εξάμηνο σπουδών  2ο
Course Title
 Basic Computer Applications in Geology
Independent Teaching Activities
 Lectures and laboratory work
Weekly Teaching Hours
 1 (Lect.) +2 (lab.)
Credits  3
Course Type
 Basic General knowledge
Prerequisite Courses
Language of Instruction & Examinations
Greek. Teaching may be however performed in English in case foreign students attend the course
Is the Course offered to Erasmus Students
Course Web-Page (URL)  
Learning Outcomes
The aim of the course is to acquire the basic knowledge on widely-used software, which are essential tools for studying geosciences.
General Competences
  • Generally, by the end of this course the student will, furthermore, have develop the following general abilities:
  • Search for, analysis and synthesis of data and information, with the use of the necessary technology
  • Working independently
  • Team work
  • Production of free, creative and inductive thinking

The course content includes the following chapters:

Spreadsheets of the MS-Office

  • Data entry
  • Basic functions and calculations
  • Complex functions and their graphs

Software for two-dimensional plots

  • Correlation of two geological parameters
  • Graphical representation of univariate geological data

Software for three-dimensional plots

  • Coordinate systems and data entry
  • Building of contour maps
  • Building simple digital elevation models
  • Map overlap

Software for the spatial variation of geological parameters

  • Basic principles of mapping
  • Boundaries of surface distributions
  • 2D and 3D graphical representations
  • Examples of spatially-varying geological data

Software for  processing XRD data

  • Evaluating results from XRD data using specific software package and  related databases
  • Use of specialized software package for the management and processing of raw mineralogical and petrological data.
  • Use of open source digital image processing software (Java platform) for the qualitative and quantitative processing of mineral and textural features of mineralogical and petrographic data.

Matlab software, basic applications

  • Matlab, basic principles, basic commands
  • Data files, loading and processing, diagrams in Matlab
  • Gridded data processing, contour maps
  • Face-to-face in the classroom.
  • Lab exercises using the relevant software in the department’s computer center. 
Use of Information & Communication Technology
 Use of  e-class platform including all the lectures and lab exercises in digital format. Seminars will be given in the department’s computer center for the application of suitable software on lab exercise solution.
Teaching Methods
Activity Semester workload
 Lectures  1 X 13 = 13
 Laboratory practice  2 X 13 = 26
 Study  13 X 3 = 39
 Total number of hours for the Course 78
 Student Performance Evaluation

Ι. Theory (50% of the final mark)

Final Exam, written, of increasing difficulty, which may include multiple choice test, questions of brief answer, questions to develop a topic, judgment questions and exercise solving.

Students are obliged to attend all scheduled laboratory classes and to deliver all the laboratory exercises, during the semester in order to be able to participate to the final exams.

Marking Scale: 0-10.

Minimum Passing Mark: 5.

ΙΙ. Laboratory(50% of the final mark)

Oral Examination. Students are obliged to attend all laboratory classes and to deliver the results of all exercises.

Percentages are valid t only when the student secures the minimum mark of 5 in the final written examination

Greek grading scale: 1 to 10. Minimum passing grade: 5.

Grades <3 correspond to ECTS grade F.

Grade 4 corresponds to ECTS grade FX.

For the passing grades the following correspondence normally holds:

5 <-> E, 6 <-> D, 7 <-> C, 8 <-> Β and >9 <-> A
Attached Bibliography

Suggested bibliography:

Notes and software manuals