• Z17 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • 04
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • 02
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Τμήμα Γεωλογίας, Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stone Tools Astypalaia
    "Archaeometric study of Early Bronze Age stone tools in Astypalaia"
  • Zaggana Piges Lourou Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Ύπαιθρος
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Το τμήμα
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Σαλιγκάρια
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stavros Kalaitzidis   20160530 113104 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stavros Kalaitzidis   WP 20160727 14 04 37 Pro Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Φοιτητές
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Gigapan_Iliopoulos

  • 40 Mini
    "40 years Deparment of Geology"
  • SEM micrograph of an ancient ceramic fresh fracture
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Clypeaster Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • 03
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stavros Kalaitzidis   DSC05214 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stavros Kalaitzidis   IMG 2490 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Karstiki Pigi Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Erasmus Nanterre
    "Erasmus+ mobility: Maison Archéologie & Ethnologie, CNRS/Université Paris Nanterre"
  • Deinosauros 2.5x PP 6 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Zaggana Piges Labras Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Efthimios Sokos 20160812 143123 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"

School  Natural Sciences
Academic Unit
 Geology Department
Level of Studies
Course Code
Εξάμηνο σπουδών  3ο
Course Title
Independent Teaching Activities
 Lectures, seminars and laboratory work
Weekly Teaching Hours
 2 (lect., 2 (Lab)
Credits  5
Course Type
 Field of Science (Synthetic Organic Chemistry) and Skills Development (Experimental Organic Chemistry-2)
Prerequisite Courses
Language of Instruction & Examinations
Is the Course offered to Erasmus Students
Course Web-Page (URL)  https://eclass.upatras.gr/courses/GEO349/
Learning Outcomes

The training of the students in the geochemical processes,  which are taking place in the hydrosphere ,lithosphere  and biosphere,. In the laws  which control the translocation and movement of the elements from one part  of land to another, and their  significant effects on   the  climate and humans. Also, the students will be prepared to understand the genesis  of rocks  ,soils and sediments

The students posses the intellectual  capacity and practical skills and has the ability:

  • To apply the knowledge and   constructive thinking in the solution of the geochemical problems, in   decision   making in relation to critical technical  selection on crucial  subjects,   and in  management of specific environmental areas
  •      Also the student in the  working environment  has the  ability to respond:
  • With sufficiency in the  interscientific   knowledge required for the solution of the geochemical problems
  • With responsibility  and trustworthiness in the  case of autonomous working in the  professional sector
General Competences
  • Reach, analysis and synthesis of data with the use of  the  required  modern technologies
  • Decision making
  • Adjustment to new situations
  • Working in  interscientific  environment
  • Basic geochemical principles and processes, lithosphere, hydrosphere,biosphere,atmosphere.
  • Physical characteristics of sediments and their importance in the  geochemical processes
  • Chemical characteristics of sediments. Elements  and  geochemical phases as indices    of  sediment  genesis environment.
  • Chemical characteristics of rocks
  • Geochemical processes
  • Processes of chemical weathering
  • Processes of chemical diagenesis
  • Soils and sediments
  • The geochemistry of heavy metals
  • Sources of heavy metals ( natural and anthropogenic)
  • Behavior of heavy metals in soils and water( release, adsorption/desorption, fixation, immobilization, ion exchange, volatilization).
  • Factors affecting adsorption and desorption of heavy metals
  • The bioavailability of heavy metals
  • Relation of heavy metals to the biotic systems  of the environment  (plants, humans, animals)
  • Sea geochemistry: Chemical composition of the sea water, equilibrium of the  soluble components of sea water. Sources of entrance of  water  components in the sea environment. Water  Characteristic layers of the water  column. Geographical and perpendicular changes  of trace element in the water  column. Suspended matter, Geographic and perpendicular distributions. Composition of the  suspended matter Benthic layer. Resuspension of the sediments Sea sediments,  Composition, categories, sources, origin of the components. Hydrothermic  activity,Hydrothermic  metalliferous sediments.
  • Biogeochemistry: Biogeochemical processes in the water systems.. Importance of the dissolved oxygen. Organic matter.  Carbon  Formation and decomposition of the organic matter.. Biogenic elements and their significance  in the evaluation of  the environmental conditions.. Trace elements  cycles., , mineral carbon, characteristic elements.
  • Special extreme environments: The importance of knowledge of the  geochemical processes in  the management of extreme environments. Black  Sea, Lagoons ,Persian golf, Red sea, Undersea hydrothermic areas
  • Environmental pollution
Delivery  Lectures, seminars and laboratory work face to face.
Use of Information & Communication Technology
  • e-teaching of the lab exercises on weakly basis  two (2) days before the  teaching process, personally to each student after his registration in the web page of  the Laboratory
  • Support of learning process and diffusion  of the  trainer via the electronic platform  e  class
Teaching Methods
Activity Semester workload
 Lectures   2×13=26
Lab exercise(13 exercises) Exercises conduction and  calculating the results  of (a):Lab exercises which  concern  the planning  of the geochemical research,  (b)  The solution of the exercises which concern   the  evaluation of the   environmental conditions  in various environments, (c)  Designing and interpreting of geochemical maps for the determination of the  pollution sources. Field exercises and visits of technical interest  2×13=26
 Field exercises in technical works (group work) 13
Independent study 60
 Total number of hours for the Course  125
 Student Performance Evaluation

I)Assessment of the  lab  exercise

  • Each exercise is reported completely solved, is corrected and graded
  • The mean vakue of all the exercises  is calculated

II) Final written exam of the Coarse

  • Eight out of 10 questions must   are synoptically responded, and among them  two lab  questions are included.
Attached Bibliography
  1. Σ. Π. Βαρνάβας, Γεωχημεία, Εκδόσεις Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών 2015
  2. Σ. Π. Βαρνάβας, Εφαρμοσμένη Γεωχημεία, Εκδόσεις Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών 2014
  3. I.K.Kαλαβρουζιώτης, Διαχείριση εδαφικών πόρων και αποβλήτων, Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα, 2015, Θεσσαλονίκη.
  4. Πρ. Κουκουλάκης, Ι. Κ. Καλαβρουζιώτης, Π. Κόκκινος, Γεωχημική συμπεριφορά βαρέων μετάλλων
  5.  στο περιβάλλον, Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα, 2017, Θεσσαλονίκη.
  6. Σ. Θεοδωρίκας , Γεωχημεία, Αρμός , 2015
  7. R. Chester, Marine Chemistry, Chapman and Hall,1990
  8. W. Salomons and U. Forstner. Metals in the hydrocycle , Springer- Verlag 1984
  9. D.S. Cronan , Underwater minerals, Academic Press, 1980
  10. S. Gerlach, Marine Pollution, Springer- Verlag 1981
  11. U. Forstner, G. Wittmann, Metal pollution in the aquatic environment Springer- Verlag 1981