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School  Natural Sciences
Academic Unit
 Geology Department
Level of Studies
Course Code
Εξάμηνο σπουδών  8ο
Course Title
 Applied Micropalaeontology - Palaeoenvironment
Independent Teaching Activities
 Lectures, laboratory work, tutorial and fieldwork
Weekly Teaching Hours
 2 (lect.), 2 (lab.), 1(t), 
Credits  5
Course Type
 Scientific Field and Skills Development
Prerequisite Courses
Typically, there are not prerequisite courses, however, for the better understanding of the course it would be considered appropriate students to have attended the following modules: Palaeontology, Stratigraphy and Historical Geology, Biomarkers and Palaeoenvironment
Language of Instruction & Examinations
Is the Course offered to Erasmus Students
Υes, teaching may be however offered in English in case foreign students attend the course.
Course Web-Page (URL)  https://eclass.upatras.gr/courses/GEO333/ (in Greek)
Learning Outcomes

This is an introductory module for special topics in the fields of applied Micropalaeontology and Palaeoenvironment .

 Upon successful completion of this module the students will be able to:

  1. Understand the importance of microfossils and micropalaeontology in the stratigraphic and geological research.
  2. Being aware of key groups of microfossils that are used widely in biostratigraphy and palaeoecology.
  3. Use adequately stereoscopes and optical microscopes for the observation, study and identification of microfossils.
  4. Being able to identify with the use of microscopy key groups of microfossils.
  5. Learn how to study microfossils for the extraction of biostratigraphical, palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental conclusions.
  6. Be trained in topics concerning the taxonomy of organisms, the evolutionary mechanisms as well as the contribution of fossils in stratigraphic research.
  7. Apply methods of preparation, taxonomy and palaeoecology on sediment samples that they have collected.
  8. Compose their data collecting information from literature, making comparisons and writing a paper structured essay.
General Competences

Generally, by the end of this course the student will, furthermore, have developed the following general abilities:

  1. Search, analyze and synthesize data and information, using the necessary technologies.
  2. Working in a multidisciplinary environment
  3. Working in an international environment.
  4. Independent work.
  5. Group work.
  6. Generating new research ideas.
  7. Respecting the environment.
  8. Criticism and self-criticism.
  9. Promoting free and creative thinking.
  1. Micropalaeontology – Microfossils - Applications – Marine environments – Palaeoecology – Microfossils and sedimentation – Preparation and observation methods
  2. Phylogenetics – Cladistics
  3. Applied Palaeontology
  4. The use of microfossils in biostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy and the determination of the palaeoenvironment
  5. Foraminifera
  6. Radiolaria
  7. Diatoms
  8. Calcareous nannoplankton
  9. Ostracods
  10. Microvertebrates
  11. Palynology
  12. Otoliths
Delivery  Lectures and laboratory practice face to face. Observation and study of real microfossils during laboratory practice
Use of Information & Communication Technology
 Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (powerpoint) in teaching. Supporting teaching and communication through e-class. The lectures content of the course for each chapter are uploaded on the e-class platform, in the form of a series of ppt files, from where the students can freely download them. 
Teaching Methods
Activity Semester workload
Lectures (2 conduct hours per week x 13 weeks) 2 X 13 = 26 
Laboratory work (2 conduct hours per week x 13 weeks)  2 X 13 = 26 
Hours for the preparation of laboratory work reports (2h per week x 13 weeks) 2 X 13 = 26  
Fieldwork 1Χ8=8
Hours for private study of the student, preparation and study of working sample in the laboratory and preparation of written long essay (3h per week x 13 weeks) 39
 Total number of hours for the Course  125
 Student Performance Evaluation

Ι) Written long essay, preparation and study of actual micropalaeontological sample collected during fieldwork. The mark consists 50% of the final grade.

ΙΙ) Written reports following the completion of each practical. The mean mark of the reports consists the other 50% of the final grade.

Minimum passing grade:  5.

Final Course Grade (FCG)

FCG = ( written long essay + practical reports ) / 2

The language of assessment is in Greek. If foreign students attend the course, their assessment in English.

Attached Bibliography

Suggested bibliography:

  1. Armstrong, H., Brasier, M., 2005. Microfossils, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2nd edition, Oxford
  2. Saraswati, P.K., Srinivasan, M.S., 2016: Micropaleontology: Principles and Applications, Springer.
  3. Martin, R.E. (Ed.), 2000: Environmental Micropaleontology: The Application of Microfossils to Environmental Geology, Springer.
  4. Notes of lecturers in Greek.