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  • Πιστοποίηση - Τμήμα Γεωλογίας Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών, Department of Geology, University of Patras

Since its establishment, the Department of Geology has received various donations and sponsorships from individuals and organizations. These sponsorships are either financial (amount of money) or material (equipment, sample collections, works of art).

Such sponsorships have strengthen the educational and research efforts of the Department and trigger its further development, especially during the economic austerity we are going through.


Ten educational/academic licenses of the MOVE software (equivalent of £ 1,872,217.38)


Petroleum Experts Ltd. (Petex)


Sotirios Kokkalas 

Laboratory of Structural Geology

Department of Geology,
University of Patras

Scientific Textbooks 2020

Family of Late Professor of NTUA, I.E. Papageorgaki

Stavros Kalaitzidis, 
Assoc. Professor
Library of Section of Earth Materials and Ore Geology Lab
Volumes 1-40 of International Journal Coal Geology 2019

Dr. Harold Smith, University of Sheffield, UK

Stavros Kalaitzidis, 
Assoc. Professor
Ore Geology Lab
Supply and installation of video conferencing system 2018   Avraam Zelilidis,
Department's assembly room
"A. Panagos"
Ore Geology Textbooks and Frames with Minerals 2018 Family of Late Professor N. Melidonis Stavros Kalaitzidis, 
Assoc. Professor
Classroom 002 and
Ore Geology Lab
Providing a bus for student transportation and entry / tour to Kastania Cave  2003-2018


Ioannis Iliopoulos,
Assoc. Professor
Students' Fieldtrip (3rd year)
Air conditioning unit 9000 BTU  2018   Stavros Kalaitzidis,
Assoc. Professor
 Classroom of graduate students of the Sector of Earth Materials (room 015)
Purchase of petrographic microscope (B-1000POL) 2017 Avraam Zelilidis, 
Laboratory of Sedimentology
Photographic artwork entitled "Sconfinamenti"
(dimensions 1.20 m x 1.00 m)

Thalassini Douma,

George Papatheodorou, 
Department's assembly room
"A. Panagos"
Collection of Greek and foreign language science books and complete series of scientific journals in the field of the Geological Sciences 2017 Dr Leonardos Tiniakos (ex. Director of the Water resources of the Decentralised Administration of Peloponnese, Western Greece and Ionian islands) George Papatheodorou, 
Departmental Library
Leica DML coal petrographic microscope system with automated stage, integrated Basler camera and PC with Hilgers Fossil software 2016

Mikroskopische Untersuchungen Gisela Bieg
(Research company, Germany)

Kimon Christanis, 
Geo-Energy resources Laboratory
(room 201)
Collection of Greek and foreign language science books and complete series of scientific journals in the field of the Geological Sciences 2012

Sotirios Kokkalas 
Assoc. Professor
Library of the Sector of General Geology, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
Sponsorship - Donation
Year Sponsor/ Donor Scientist in charge Beneficial laboratory