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- People - Τμήμα Γεωλογίας Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών, Department of Geology, University of Patras
Avramidis Pavlos
| Professor | General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 996163
appointment: Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
Pavlos Avramidis is Professor of Sedimentology in the Department of Geology, University of Patras Greece. His research focuses on Geology - Sedimentology of Aquatic Systems, particularly in coastal ecosystems (lagoons, deltas, bays). He graduated from the Department of Geology, University of Patras, Greece, in 1995, and in 1999 concluded his PhD in the scientific field of “Petroleum Sedimentology”. He was a graduate (PhD) and postdoctoral scholar of the Greek State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) in the subject of Energy Mineral Resources and Geology – Oceanography respectively. Since 1998 he studied more than 30 large public works projects, as a geotechnical consultant on subjects of geotechnical engineering, geology, hydrogeology and environmental sedimentology. From 2008 till 2014 he was Assistant Professor of Geology of Aquatic Systems of the Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece. He has large experience in performing deep spot drilling and geotechnical design – instrumental monitoring as well as coastal and environmental sedimentology. His research focuses on palaeonvironmental reconstruction based on sedimentary analyses, radiocarbon dating and faunal assemblages. He teaches the following courses for under graduate students: (a) Sedimentology, (b) Introduction to Geology and (c) Geological Mapping and MSc course Geology of Aquatic Systems. He has participated as principal researcher in 15 national research programs of the University of Patras and is currently scientific coordinator on six (6) research programs implemented by the Research Committee of the University of Patras.
office: 109
(+30) 2610 996163 | p.avramidis_at_upatras.gr
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Bathrellos George
| Professor | General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics | +30 2610 997 561
appointment: Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
Orcid ID: 0000-0001-6922-6639
Web of Science ID: H-2717-2018
Scopus ID: 6506041386
Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=o5N8-TsAAAAJ&hl=el&oi=ao
Geomorphology; Natural Hazards; Urban Geology
quick_cv: BSc, Geology, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens MSc, Geography & Environment, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens MSc, Geological and Atmospheric Environment for Infrastructure Design, Agricultural University of Athens PhD, Geomorphology & Urban Geology, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
office: 208
+30 2610 997 561 | gbathrellos_at_upatras.gr
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Depountis Nikolaos
| Associate Professor | Applied Geology & Geophysics | (+30) 2610 997715
appointment: Associate Professor
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
office: 102
(+30) 2610 997715 | (+30) 2610 997300 | ndepountis_at_upatras.gr
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Geraga Maria
| Professor | General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 997412
appointment: Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
office: 114
(+30) 2610 997412 | mgeraga_at_upatras.gr
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Iliopoulos George
| Professor | General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 996160
appointment: Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
quick_cv: BSc Geology (1996) University of Athens PhD Palaeontology (2004) University of Leicester, UK
office: 217
(+30) 2610 996160 | (+30) 2610 997924 | iliopoulosg_at_upatras.gr
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Iliopoulos Ioannis
| Professor | Earth Materials | (+30) 2610 997710
appointment: Professor
sector: Earth Materials
office: 203
(+30) 2610 997710 | (+30) 2610 997560 | morel_at_upatras.gr
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Kalaitzidis Stavros
| Professor | Earth Materials | (+30) 2610 996158
appointment: Professor
sector: Earth Materials
quick_cv: Bachelor in Geology; PhD in Geology
office: 213
(+30) 2610 996158 | skalait_at_upatras.gr
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Kazakis Nerantzis
| Assistant Professor | Applied Geology & Geophysics | 2610996294
Kazakis Nerantzis
appointment: Assistant Professor
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
office: 105
2610996294 | nkazakis_at_upatras.gr
Kokkalas Sotiris
| Professor | General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 996274
appointment: Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
quick_cv: BSc Geology (1995) University of Patras PhD Structural Geology (2000) University of Patras
office: 118
(+30) 2610 996274 | (+30) 2610 994485 | skokalas_at_upatras.gr
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Koukouvelas Ioannis
| Professor | General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 996157
appointment: Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
quick_cv: BSc Geology (1984) University of Patras PhD Structural Geology (1989) University of Patras
office: 117
(+30) 2610 996157 | (+30) 2610 994485 | iannis_at_upatras.gr
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Koutsovitis Petros Dimitris
| Associate Professor | Earth Materials | +30 2610 997737
appointment: Associate Professor
sector: Earth Materials
office: 212
+30 2610 997737 | +30 2610 997560 | pkoutsovitis_at_upatras.gr
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Lampropoulou Paraskevi
| Assistant Professor | Earth Materials | (+30) 2610 997599
appointment: Assistant Professor
sector: Earth Materials
Office hours
Tuesday 11:00-13:00, Wednesday 13:00-14:00
Applied Mineralogy-Petrology
Mineralogical-petrographic characterization of geomaterials and uses
Development of compositions such as inorganic geopolymers, ceramic structural compositions and other materials with wide application and industrial demand, eg in environmental applications, in the cement industry, in the building brick-tile industry and in general construction materials. Correlation of mineralogy- petrography with remote sensing methods, e.g geological mapping, beach rocks
office: 209
(+30) 2610 997599 | (+30) 2610-997560 | p.lampropoulou_at_upatras.gr
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Nikolakopoulos Konstantinos
| Professor | Applied Geology & Geophysics | (+30) 2610 997592
appointment: Professor
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
quick_cv: GIS, Remote sensing
office: 216
(+30) 2610 997592 | (+30) 2610 997944 | knikolakop_at_upatras.gr
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Papatheodorou George
| Professor | General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 996275
appointment: Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
quick_cv: Environmental Oceanography, Marine Geology
office: 111
(+30) 2610 996275 | (+30) 2610 997 330 | gpapathe_at_upatras.gr
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Papoulis Dimitrios
| Professor | Earth Materials | (+30) 2610 996159
appointment: Professor
sector: Earth Materials
quick_cv: Clay minerals
office: 210
(+30) 2610 996159 | papoulis_at_upatras.gr
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Roumelioti Zafeiria
| Associate Professor | Applied Geology & Geophysics | +30 2610 997262
appointment: Associate Professor
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
office: 215
+30 2610 997262 | +30 2610 997 300 | zroumelioti_at_upatras.gr
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Sokos Efthimios
| Professor | Applied Geology & Geophysics | (+30) 2610 997204
appointment: Professor
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
Τεχνική Σεισμολογία. Μελέτη Σεισμικής Πηγής. Μικροζωνικές. Σεισμική επικινδυνότητα. Παρακολούθηση σεισμικότητας. Σεισμικά σενάρια.
Office hours
- Monday 11:00-12:00
- Thursday 11:00-12:00
- Friday 11:00-12:00
quick_cv: Seismology, Seismic Sources, Engineering Seismology, Seismic hazard
office: Seismology Lab
(+30) 2610 997204 | esokos_at_upatras.gr
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Tsikos Harilaos
| Assistant Professor | Earth Materials | +30 2610 997 578
appointment: Assistant Professor
sector: Earth Materials
quick_cv: BSc (University of Athens), MSc/PhD (Rhodes University)
Postdoctoral Experience
• University of Johannesburg, South Africa (1999-2000)
• University of Oxford, UK (2000-2003)
• University of Aberdeen, UK (2004-2005)
office: 211
+30 2610 997 578 | htsikos_at_upatras.gr
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Xypolias Paris
| Professor | General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 997 585
appointment: Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
quick_cv: BSc Geology (1995) University of Patras PhD Structural Geology (2000) University of Patras
office: 113
(+30) 2610 997 585 | (+30) 2610 997319 | p.xypolias_at_upatras.gr
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Zaggana Eleni
| Associate Professor | Applied Geology & Geophysics | (+30) 2610 997593
appointment: Associate Professor
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
quick_cv: Applied Hydrogeology, Hydrochemistry
office: 107
(+30) 2610 997593 | (+30) 2610 997593 | zagana_at_upatras.gr
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Zelilidis Avraam
| Professor | General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 962272
appointment: Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
quick_cv: Basin analysis, Petroleum Geology.
office: 110
(+30) 2610 962272 | A.Zelilidis_at_upatras.gr
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Diplarou Theoni
| Lab Teaching Staff | General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 996161
Diplarou Theoni
appointment: Lab Teaching Staff
sector: General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
office: 115
(+30) 2610 996161 | diplarou_at_upatras.gr
Kotzamanidi Irene
| Laboratory Teaching Staff | Earth Raw Materials | +30 2610 997597
appointment: Laboratory Teaching Staff
sector: Earth Raw Materials
office: 206
+30 2610 997597 | ikotza_at_upatras.gr
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Paraskevopoulos Paraskevas
| Lab Teaching Staff | Applied Geology & Geophysics | (+30) 2610 997209
appointment: Lab Teaching Staff
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
office: Seismology Lab
(+30) 2610 997209 | (+30) 2610 990639 | paris_at_upatras.gr
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Petrounias Petros
| Lab Teaching Staff | 2610 997588
appointment: Lab Teaching Staff
2610 997588 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Serpetsidaki Anna
| Lab Teaching Staff | Applied Geology & Geophysics | (+30) 2610 997207
appointment: Lab Teaching Staff
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
office: Seismology Lab
(+30) 2610 997207 | 2610 990639 | annaserp_at_upatras.gr
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Simoni Helene
| Lab Teaching Staff | +30 2610 997 716
appointment: Lab Teaching Staff
quick_cv: I am an archaeologist, and a member of the Laboratory Teaching Staff of the Dept of Geology with an M.A. in Landscape studies and a PhD in the use of GIS in Urban Cultural Resource Management. My main task at the University is implementing theoretical and laboratory courses for undergraduate Geology students, in the fields of GIS/ Remote Sensing and Cultural Resource Management. In addition I offer lectures on Greek landscape, Archaeology and Cartography for the international students of the University of Patras.
office: 222
+30 2610 997 716 | +30 2610 997 944 | hsimoni_at_upatras.gr
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Skilodimou Chariklia
| Lab Teaching Staff
appointment: Lab Teaching Staff
| hskilodimou_at_upatras.gr
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Stephanopoulos Panagiotis
| Lab Teaching Staff | Applied Geology & Geophysics | 2610 962 920
appointment: Lab Teaching Staff
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
office: 108
2610 962 920 | 2610 997300 | stefanop_at_upatras.gr
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Christanis Kimon
| Professor Emeritus | (+30) 2610 997568
appointment: Professor Emeritus
Energy Resources, Peat and Coal Geology, Coal and Organic Petrology, non-energy applications of peat and coal.
(+30) 2610 997568 | christan_at_upatras.gr
Short CV
Doutsos Theodoros
| General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
Doutsos Theodoros
sector: General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
Ferentinos George
| Professor Emeritus | General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
Ferentinos George
appointment: Professor Emeritus
sector: General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
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Frydas Demetrios
| General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
Frydas Demetrios
sector: General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
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Hatzipanagiotou Konstantinos
| Earth Materials
sector: Earth Materials
quick_cv: Dr. rer. nat. Braunschweig Technical Univ (1983). Dipl. Geol. Univ.Kiel (1977)
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Short CV
Kallergis George
| Professor Emeritus | Applied Geology & Geophysics
Kallergis George
appointment: Professor Emeritus
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
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Katagas Christos
| Professor Emeritus | Earth Materials
appointment: Professor Emeritus
sector: Earth Materials
Metamorphic Petrology, Industrial Minerals, Archaeometry
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Short CV
Katsikatsos Georgios
| General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
Katsikatsos Georgios
sector: General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
Kontopoulos Nikos
| Professor Emeritus | General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
Kontopoulos Nikos
appointment: Professor Emeritus
sector: General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
office: 218
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Kotopouli Konstantina
| Professor Emerita | Earth Materials
appointment: Professor Emerita
sector: Earth Materials
| +30-2610-997560 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Short CV
Koukis George
| Professor Emeritus | Applied Geology & Geophysics
appointment: Professor Emeritus
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
quick_cv: Ph.D. Engineering Geology and Geotechnics, Univ. Leeds (1974) M.Sc. Geology and Geotechnics, Univ Leeds (1972) Bachelor in Natural Sciences and Geography, University of Athens (1968)
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Short CV
Lambrakis Nikolaos
| Appled Geology & Geophysics
sector: Appled Geology & Geophysics
quick_cv: Hydrogeology, Hydrochemistry
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Short CV
Macheras Georgios
| Earth Materials
Macheras Georgios
sector: Earth Materials
Papamarinopoulos Stavros
| Applied Geology & Geophysics
Papamarinopoulos Stavros
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
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Sabatakakis Nikolaos
| Applied Geology and Geophysics
Sabatakakis Nikolaos
sector: Applied Geology and Geophysics
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Stamatelopoulou-Seymour Karen
| Earth Materials
Stamatelopoulou-Seymour Karen
sector: Earth Materials
Stamatopoulos Leonidas
| General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
Stamatopoulos Leonidas
sector: General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
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Tsolis-Kataga Panagiota
| Professor Emerita | Earth Materials
Tsolis-Kataga Panagiota
appointment: Professor Emerita
sector: Earth Materials
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Varnavas Sotirios
| Earth Materials
Varnavas Sotirios
sector: Earth Materials
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Skarmoutsou Panagiota
| Head Secretary | Department Secretariat | (+30) 2610 997922
Skarmoutsou Panagiota
appointment: Head Secretary
sector: Department Secretariat
office: 020
(+30) 2610 997922 | (+30) 2610 997300 | pskarm_at_upatras.gr
Andriopoulos George
| Employee | Applied Geology & Geophysics | (+30) 2610 969369
Andriopoulos George
appointment: Employee
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
office: Seismology Lab
(+30) 2610 969369 | gandrio_at_upatras.gr
Bakopoulou Sophia
| Employee | Department Secretariat | (+30) 2610 997590
Bakopoulou Sophia
appointment: Employee
sector: Department Secretariat
office: 021
(+30) 2610 997590 | (+30) 2610 997300 | sbakop_at_upatras.gr
Germenis Nikolaos
| Employee | Applied Geology & Geophysics | (+30) 2610 996379
Germenis Nikolaos
appointment: Employee
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
office: Seismology Lab
(+30) 2610 996379 | (+30) 2610 990639 | ngermeni_at_upatras.gr
Kyrili Eleni
| Permanent Staff | Department Secretariat | (+30) 2610 997925
Kyrili Eleni
appointment: Permanent Staff
sector: Department Secretariat
office: 020
(+30) 2610 997925 | elenikyrili_at_upatras.gr
Stamatopoulou Anna
| Permanent Staff | Department Secretariat | (+30) 2610 997921
Stamatopoulou Anna
appointment: Permanent Staff
sector: Department Secretariat
office: 020
(+30) 2610 997921 | annastam_at_upatras.gr