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  • Education - Τμήμα Γεωλογίας Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών, Department of Geology, University of Patras

Applied Geochemistry

Applied Geochemistry


Ore Deposits

Ore Deposits


Minerals and Rocks Research Laboratory

Minerals and Rocks Research Laboratory


Applied Mineralogy

Applied Mineralogy


Geo-Energy Recourses Team

Geo-Energy Recourses Team


X-ray Diffraction

X-ray Diffraction

Marine Geology & Physical Oceanography

Marine Geology & Physical Oceanography


Palaeontology - Stratigraphy

Palaeontology - Stratigraphy


Geological Mapping & Photogeology

Geological Mapping & Photogeology




Stuctural Geology

Stuctural Geology




Engineering Geology

Engineering Geology







GIS and Remote Sensing

GIS and Remote Sensing


Director Ioannis Iliopoulos, Associate Professor
Office Number
Telephone (+30) 2610 99 7710
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Four Laboratories and one Research Team belong to the Sector of Earth Materials:

Applied Geochemistry

Applied Geochemistry


Ore Deposits

Ore Deposits


Minerals and Rocks Research Laboratory

Minerals and Rocks Research Laboratory


Applied Mineralogy

Applied Mineralogy


Geo-Energy Recourses Team

Geo-Energy Recourses Team


KERAMOS Research Group of Archaeomaterials (on- and off- site)

KERAMOS Research Group


Director Sotirios Kokkalas, Professor
Office Number
Telephone (+30) 2610 99 6274
E-mail skokalasThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Four Laboratories belong to the Sector of General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics:

Θαλάσσιας Γεωλογίας & Φυσικής Ωκεανογραφίας

Marine Geology & Physical Oceanography





Γεωλογικών Χαρτογραφήσεων & Φωτογεωλογίας

Geological Mapping & Photogeology



Τεκτονικής Γεωλογίας

Structural Geology

Director Nikolaos Depountis, Assistant Professor
Office 102
Telephone (+30) 2610 99 7715
E-mail ndepountisThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Four Laboratories belong to the Sector of Applied Geology & Geophysics:




Τεχνικής Γεωλογίας

Engineering Geology







GIS and Remote Sensing

GIS and Remote Sensing



Teaching Staff

Christanis Kimon | Professor |  Earth Raw Materials |  (+30) 2610 997568

Christanis  Kimon

Christanis Kimon

appointment: Professor
sector: Earth Raw Materials
research: Energy Resources, Peat and Coal Geology, Coal and Organic Petrology, non-energy applications of peat and coal.
quick_cv: Energy Resources, Peat and Coal Geology, Coal and Organic Petrology, non-energy applications of peat and coal.
office: 207
 (+30) 2610 997568 |  (+30) 2610 997560 |  christan_at_upatras.gr

Full CV

Iliopoulos Ioannis | Professor |  Earth Raw Materials |  (+30) 2610 997710

Iliopoulos  Ioannis

Iliopoulos Ioannis

appointment: Professor
sector: Earth Raw Materials
research: Metamorphic Petrology, Industrial Minerals, Archaeometry. Selected Publications
office: 203
 (+30) 2610 997710 |  (+30) 2610 997560 |  morel_at_upatras.gr

Full CV

Kalaitzidis Stavros | Assistant Professor |  Earth Raw Materials

Kalaitzidis Stavros

Kalaitzidis Stavros

appointment: Assistant Professor
sector: Earth Raw Materials
|  skalait_at_upatras.gr

Full CV

Koutsovitis Peter | Assistant Professor |  Earth Materials |  +30 2610 997 598

Koutsovitis Peter

Koutsovitis Peter

appointment: Assistant Professor
sector: Earth Materials
office: 212
 +30 2610 997 598 |  +30 2610 997 560 |  pkoutsovitis_at_upatras.gr

Lampropoulou Paraskevi | Assistant Professor |  Earth Materials |  2610 997599

Lampropoulou Paraskevi

Lampropoulou Paraskevi

appointment: Assistant Professor
sector: Earth Materials
office: 209
 2610 997599 |  2610-997560 |  p.lampropoulou_at_upatras.gr

Full CV

Papoulis Dimitrios | Professor |  Earth Raw Materials |  (+30) 2610 996 159

Papoulis  Dimitrios

Papoulis Dimitrios

appointment: Professor
sector: Earth Raw Materials
quick_cv: Clay minerals
office: 210
 (+30) 2610 996 159 |  papoulis_at_upatras.gr

Full CV

Tsikos Harilaos | Assistant Professor |  Earth Materials |  +302610997578

Tsikos Harilaos

Tsikos Harilaos

appointment: Assistant Professor
sector: Earth Materials
office: 212
 +302610997578 |  htsikos_at_upatras.gr

Special Teaching Staff

Emeritus Professor

Katagas Christos | Emeritus Professor |  Earth Raw Materials |  2610 997596

Katagas Christos

Katagas Christos

appointment: Emeritus Professor
sector: Earth Raw Materials
research: Ορυκτολογία - Πετρολογία Μεταμορφωμένων Πετρωμάτων (*).
Μεταμορφισμός υψηλών P/T στις Εσωτερικές και Εξωτερικές Ελληνίδες.
Βιομηχανικά ορυκτά και πετρώματα.
Αειφόρος ανάπτυξη.
quick_cv: Πτυχίο Φυσιογνωσίας και Γεωγραφίας Παν/μίου Αθηνών (1967). Ph.D. Geology Univ. Manchester (1975). ΥφηγητήςΟρυκτολογίας-Πετρολογίας Παν/μίου Πατρών (1982).
office: 204
 2610 997596 |  c.katagas_at_upatras.gr

Tsoli-Kataga Panagiota | Emeritus Professor |  Earth Raw Materials |  2610 997525

Tsoli-Kataga Panagiota

Tsoli-Kataga Panagiota

appointment: Emeritus Professor
sector: Earth Raw Materials
  • Ορυκτολογία - Αργιλικά Ορυκτά (*).
  • Ζεόλιθοι.
  • Βιομηχανικά ορυκτά και πετρώματα..
  • Βιομηχανικά ορυκτά της νήσου Λήμνου.
  • Γένεση, φυσικές και χημικές ιδιότητες των κοιτασμάτων καολίνη Δράμας και Κώ.
  • Πτυχίο Φυσιογνωσίας και Γεωγραφίας Παν/μίου Αθηνών (1969).
  • M.Sc. Geology Univ. Manchester (1975).
  • Δρ. Γεωλογίας Παν/μίου Πατρών (1979).
office: 211
 2610 997525 |  n.tsoli-kataga_at_upatras.gr

Koropouli Konstantina | Emeritus Professor |  Earth Raw Materials |  2610 997589

Koropouli Konstantina

Koropouli Konstantina

appointment: Emeritus Professor
sector: Earth Raw Materials
  • Πετρολογία - Mαγματισμός (*).
  • Γρανιτικά συστήματα.
  • Mαγματικές ακολουθίες των ζωνών σύγκρουσης.
  • Ηφαιστειότητα τουΑιγαίου.
  • Πτυχίο Φυσιογνωσίας και Γεωγραφίας Παν/μίου Αθηνών (1968).
  • Master. Geological Sciences Harvard Univ. (1972).
  • Δρ. Γεωλογίας Παν/μίου Πατρών (1981).
office: 205
 2610 997589 |  kotopouli_at_upatras.gr

 Technician Staff


Panagiotis Mpalasis |  Earth Materials |  +30 2610 99 6297

Panagiotis Mpalasis

Panagiotis Mpalasis

sector: Earth Materials
office: 010
 +30 2610 99 6297 |  mpalasis_at_upatras.gr

The research activities of the faculty members of the Department are mainly concentrated in the following areas:

The Sector of Earth Materials offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses and undertakes research in Mineralogy, Petrology, Ore Deposits, Geochemistry, energy resources, Ophiolitic complexes’ Petrogenesis and Metallogenesis, the Hellenic Region’s Magmatism and Metamorphism, Volcanology, Geothermics, Environmental and Marine Geochemistry, Investigation and Evaluation of Industrial Minerals, Rocks and Aggregate Materials, Mineralogy’s and Petrography’s applications and research in archaeological materials, Solid and Liquid Toxic Waste Management, Sustainable Development, Impacts of Asbestos Fibers on the Environment and Public Health.

The Sector of General Geology, Marine Geology and Geodynamics conducts undergraduate and postgraduate courses and undertakes research in Sedimentology, Marine Geology and Physical Oceanography, Stratigraphy, Palaeontology, Historical Geology, Structural Geology and Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, Geological Mapping and Photogeology, Geomorphology and Environmental Geology.

The Sector of Applied Geology and Geophysics

is focused on research and teaching in the fields on Hydrogeology, Hydrochemistry and Management of Water Resources, Engineering Geology and Geotechnics in relation to various engineering works, geological hazards (landslides, earthquakes, subsidence, erosion problems etc.), landslide monitoring, quality assessment of soils and aggregate materials, remote sensing and GIS in Applied Geology, planning of landfills, disposal of solid and liquid wastes in the geological environment, Archaeological and Environmental Geophysics, Seismology.

  • Basic research integrating various fields of mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry
  • Development of quarries of industrial minerals and aggregates and environmental impacts.
  • Study of asbestos in aggregates
  • Petrogenetic evolution of ophiolitic rocks, chromites and Platinum Group Metals
  • Applications of Mineralogy and Petrology to Archaeometry (e.g. provenance of ancient stone implements and shipwreck ballasts, restoration of stone monuments, provenance and technology issues on archaeological ceramics)
  • Metamorphic processes in geological and anthropogenic systems
  • Mineral equilibrium and thermobarometry
  • The development of innovative applications of industrial minerals (eg. magnesite, perlite, zeolites) for environmental protection
  • Industrial applications of carbonate rocks
  • Sustainable development and earth materials

University of Patras
Department of Geology
Laboratory of Applied Geochemistry
Rion 26500
Patra, Greece
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University of Patras
Department of Geology
Laboratory of Ore & Deposits
Rion 26504
Patra, Greece

Scientist in charge:
Stavros Kalaitzidis
Assistant Professor
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University of Patras
Department of Geology
Minerals and Rocks Research Laboratroy
Rion 26504
Patra, Greece
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Scientist in charge:
Ioannis Iliopoulos
Associate Professor
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University of Patras
Department of Geology
Laboratory of Applied Mineralogy
Rio 26504
Patra, Greece

Scientist in charge:
Dimitrios Papoulis
Associate Professor
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University of Patras
Department of Geology
Geo-Energy Resources Team
Rio 26504
Patra, Greece

Scientist in charge:
IKimon Christanis
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University of Patras
Department of Geology
Laboratory of Marine Geology & Physical Oceanography
Rio 26500
Patra, Greece
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The Marine Geology and Physical Oceanography Laboratory was established in 1989 within the Geology Department of Patras University. The Laboratory is at present by far the largest teaching and research University center in its field in Greece. The three main aims of the Laboratory are:

  • To carry out fundamental research in the fields of Marine Geology, Physical Oceanography and Marine Pollution.
  • To train undergraduate and postgraduate students in Marine Sciences.

University of Patras
Department of Geology
Laboratory of Sedimentology
Rio 26500
Patra, Greece
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The Laboratory of Sedimentology (LS) was established 1984, inside the Geology Department of the University of Patras. The laboratory has been mainly concerned with facies analysis and interpretation of ancient and recent depositional environments, sedimentary basin analysis and hydrocarbon habitats either in extensional or compressional tectonic settings.

The Sedimentological Laboratoty contributed greatly to the foundation of the Greek Sedimentological Association during 2003, which is the branch of the International Association of Sedimentologists in Greece.

University of Patras
Department of Geology
Laboratory of Geophysics
Rio 26500
Patra, Greece
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Ultra pure water system

Ultra pure water system


Conductivity meter

Conductivity meter


Microhardness tester

Microhardness tester

High Pressure Laboratory Autoclave / Reactor

High Pressure Laboratory Autoclave / Reactor
Surface area and pore size analyzer (BET)

Surface area and pore size analyzer (BET)

Rock cutting saw

Rock cutting saw
Lapping system

Lapping system

Polishing system

Polishing system
Rock jaw crusher

Rock jaw crusher

Mortar grinder

Mortar grinder
Planetary Ball Mill

Planetary Ball Mill

Hydraulic press (25T) and Pellets press dies

Hydraulic press (25T) and Pellets press dies
X-Ray Diffractometer

X-Ray Diffractometer

X-Ray Fluorescence - ED

X-Ray Fluorescence - ED
X-Ray Fluorescence - WD

X-Ray Fluorescence - WD

Direct Current Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer

Direct Current Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer
Poralizing microscope (Zeiss AxioScopeA1) and digital camera (Jenoptic ProgRes C3)

Poralizing microscope (Zeiss AxioScopeA1) and digital camera (Jenoptic ProgRes C3)

Luniscope (CL Reliotron)

Luniscope (CL Reliotron)
NIR Spectrometer

NIR Spectrometer

Teaching Staff

Avramidis Pavlos | Associated Professor |  General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics |  (+30) 2610 996163

Avramidis  Pavlos

Avramidis Pavlos

appointment: Associated Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics

Pavlos Avramidis is Assistant Professor of Sedimentology in the Department of Geology, University of Patras Greece. His research focuses on Geology - Sedimentology of Aquatic Systems, particularly in coastal ecosystems (lagoons, deltas, bays). He graduated from the Department of Geology, University of Patras, Greece, in 1995, and in 1999 concluded his PhD in the scientific field of “Petroleum Sedimentology”. He was a graduate (PhD) and postdoctoral scholar of the Greek State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) in the subject of Energy Mineral Resources and Geology – Oceanography respectively. Since 1998 he studied more than 30 large public works projects, as a geotechnical consultant on subjects of geotechnical engineering, geology, hydrogeology and environmental sedimentology. From 2008 till 2014 he was Assistant Professor of Geology of Aquatic Systems of the Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece. He has large experience in performing deep spot drilling and geotechnical design – instrumental monitoring as well as coastal and environmental sedimentology. His research focuses on palaeonvironmental reconstruction based on sedimentary analyses, radiocarbon dating and faunal assemblages. He teaches the following courses for under graduate students: (a) Sedimentology, (b) Introduction to Geology and (c) Geological Mapping and MSc course Geology of Aquatic Systems. He has participated as principal researcher in 15 national research programs of the University of Patras and is currently scientific coordinator on six (6) research programs implemented by the Research Committee of the University of Patras.

office: 109
 (+30) 2610 996163 |  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Full CV

Bathrellos George | Associate Professor |  General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics |  +30 2610 997 561

Bathrellos George

Bathrellos George

appointment: Associate Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
office: 208
 +30 2610 997 561 |  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Full CV

Geraga Maria | Associate Professor |  General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics |  (+30) 2610 990637

Geraga Maria

appointment: Associate Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
quick_cv: Oceanography, Paleoclimatology, Archaeological Oceanography, Marine Geology, Palaecology
office: 114
 (+30) 2610 990637 |  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Full CV

Zelilidis Abraham | Professor |  General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics |  (+30) 2610 996272

Zelilidis  Abraham

Zelilidis Abraham

appointment: Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
quick_cv: Basin analysis, Petroleum Geology.
office: 110
 (+30) 2610 996272 |  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Full CV

Kokkalas Sotiris | Associate Professor |  General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics |  (+30) 2610 996274

Kokkalas  Sotiris

Kokkalas Sotiris

appointment: Associate Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
research: Neotectonics, Microtectonics, Geodynamics, Active Faulting, Paleoseismology, Fault analysis, Stress analysis
quick_cv: BSc Geology (1995) University of Patras PhD Structural Geology (2000) University of Patras
office: 118
 (+30) 2610 996274 |  (+30) 2610 994485 |  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Full CV

Koukouvelas Ioannis | Professor |  General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics |  (+30) 2610 996157

Koukouvelas  Ioannis

Koukouvelas Ioannis

appointment: Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
research: Structural Geology. Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, Magma emplacement
quick_cv: BSc Geology (1984) University of Patras PhD Structural Geology (1989) University of Patras
office: 117
 (+30) 2610 996157 |  (+30) 2610 994485 |  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Full CV

Papatheodorou George | Associate Professor |  General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics |  (+30) 2610 996275

Papatheodorou  George

Papatheodorou George

appointment: Associate Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
quick_cv: Environmental Oceanography, Marine Geology
office: 111
 (+30) 2610 996275 |  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Full CV

Stamatopoulos Leonidas | Assistant Professor |  General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics |  (+30) 2610 997674

Stamatopoulos  Leonidas

Stamatopoulos Leonidas

appointment: Assistant Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
quick_cv: Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology
office: 112
 (+30) 2610 997674 |  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Xypolias Paris | Professor |  General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics |  (+30) 2610 997 585

Xypolias  Paris

Xypolias Paris

appointment: Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
research: Structural Geology, Microtectonics, Petrofabrics, Rock deformation, Strain analysis in ductile shear zones
quick_cv: BSc Geology (1995) University of Patras PhD Structural Geology (2000) University of Patras
office: 113
 (+30) 2610 997 585 |  (+30) 2610 994486 |  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Full CV

Iliopoulos George | Professor |  General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics |  (+30) 2610 996160

Iliopoulos  George

Iliopoulos George

appointment: Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
research: Palaeontology with special interest in Vertebrate Palaeontology, Fossil bone geochemistry and histology, Stratigraphy-biostratigraphy, Palaeoecology
quick_cv: BSc Geology (1996) University of Athens PhD Palaeontology (2004) University of Leicester, UK
office: 217
 (+30) 2610 996160 |  (+30) 2610 997924 |  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Full CV

Special Technician Staff

Diplarou Theano | Lab Teaching Staff |  General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics |  2610 996161

Diplarou Theano

Diplarou Theano

appointment: Lab Teaching Staff
sector: General, Marine Geology & Geodynamics
office: 115
 2610 996161 |  diplarou_at_upatras.gr

Technician Staff