Test Faculty
Aikaterini Rogkala
Dr. Aikaterini Rogkala
Post-Doctoral Researcher/ Adjunct lecturer (assistant prof) (P.D. 407/80)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Office hours
- Monday 11:00-12:00
- Wednesday 11:00-12:00
Educational Qualifications: BSc (University of Patras), MSc (University of Patras), PhD (University of Patras)Researcher Profile
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0981-7629
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=kO8EBToAAAAJ&hl=en
Research Interests
- Petrogenetic evolution of ophiolite complex
- Igneous petrology
- Metasomatic processes
- Geol_026 Petrography of sedimentary and metamorphic rock
- ROGKALA, A., PETROUNIAS, P., TSIKOURAS, B., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2017. New occurrence of pyroxenites in the Veria-Naousa ophiolite: implications on their origin and petrogenetic evolution. Geosciences 7 (4), 92.
- NIKOLAKOPOULOS, K.G., LAMPROPOULOU, P., PAPOULIS, D., ROGKALA, A., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., PETROUNIAS, P., 2018. Combined Use of Remote Sensing Data, Mineralogical Analyses, Microstructure Studies and Geographic Information System for Geological Mapping of Antiparos Island (Greece). Geosciences 8 (3), 96.
- PETROUNIAS, P., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., ROGKALA, A., STAMATIS, P.M., TSIKOURAS, B., PAPOULIS, D., LAMPROPOULOU, D., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. The Influence of Alteration of Aggregates on the Quality of the Concrete: A Case Study from Serpentinites and Andesites from Central Macedonia (North Greece). Geosciences 8 (4), 115.
- GIANNAKOPOULOU, P., PETROUNIAS, P., ROGKALA, A., TSIKOURAS, B., STAMATIS, P.M., POMONIS, P., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. The Influence of the Mineralogical Composition of Ultramafic Rocks on Their Engineering Performance: A Case Study from the Veria-Naousa and Gerania Ophiolite Complexes (Greece). Geosciences 8 (7), 251.
- PETROUNIAS, P., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., ROGKALA, A., LAMPROPOULOU, P., KOUTSOPOULOU, E., PAPOULIS, D., TSIKOURAS, D., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. The Impact of Secondary Phyllosilicate Minerals on the Engineering Properties of Various Igneous Aggregates from Greece. Minerals 8 (8), 329.
- PETROUNIAS, P., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., ROGKALA, A., STAMATIS, P.M., LAMPROPOULOU, P., TSIKOURAS, B., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. The Effect of Petrographic Characteristics and Physico-Mechanical Properties of Aggregates on the Quality of Concrete. Minerals 8 (12), 577.
- GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., PETROUNIAS, P., TSIKOURAS, B., KALAITZIDIS, S., ROGKALA, A., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. Using Factor Analysis to Determine the Interrelationships between the Engineering Properties of Aggregates from Igneous Rocks in Greece. Minerals 8 (12), 580.
- ROGKALA, A., PETROUNIAS, P., TSIKOURAS, B., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2019. Mineralogical Evidence for Partial Melting and Melt-Rock Interaction Processes in the Mantle Peridotites of Edessa Ophiolite (North Greece). Minerals 9 (2), 120.
- PETROUNIAS, P., ROGKALA, A., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., TSIKOURAS, B., LAMPROPOULOU, P., KALAITZIDIS, S., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., LAMBRAKIS, N., CHRISTOPOULOU, M.A., 2019. An Experimental Study for the Remediation of Industrial Waste Water Using a Combination of Low Cost Mineral Raw Materials. Minerals 9 (4), 207.
- PETROUNIAS, P., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., ROGKALA, A., LAMPROPOULOU, P., TSIKOURAS, B., RIGOPOULOS, I., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2019. Petrographic and Mechanical Characteristics of Concrete Produced by Different Type of Recycled materials. Geosciences 9 (6), 264.
Curriculum Vitae
Avraam Zelilidis
Dr. Avraam Zelilidis
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Portfolio
Educational Qualifications: BSc (Patras), PhD (Patras)Researcher Profile
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=Pky157wAAAAJ&hl=el
Research Interests
- Sedimentary basin analysis
- Petroleum Geology
- Sequence Stratigraphy
- Geochemistry
- Deep Sea fans
- Diagenesis of Carbonates
- Geol_002 Planet Earth
- Geol_014 Field trip 1
- GEO_603E Sedimentary Basins Analysis
- GEO_702E Petroleum Geology
- GEO_CAD06 Sedimentary Basins analysis – Sequence Stratigraphy
- Bourli, N., Pantopoulos, G., Maravelis, A.G., Zoumpoulis, E., Iliopoulos, G., Pomoni-Papaioannou, F., Kostopoulou, S., Zelilidis, A., 2019: Late Cretaceous to early Eocene geological history of the eastern Ionian Basin, southwestern Greece: a sedimentological approach. Cretaceous Journal 98, 47-71.
- Bourli, N., Kokkaliari, M., Iliopoulos, I., Pe-Piper, G., Piper, D.J.W., Maravelis, A.G., Zelilidis, A., 2019: Mineralogy of siliceous concretions, Cretaceous of Ionian zone, western Greece: implication for diagenesis and porosity. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 105, 45-63.
- Tserolas, P., Maravelis, A.G., Tcochadaris, N., Pasadakis N., Zelilidis, A., 2019. Organic geochemistry of the Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene sedimentary rocks in the Hellenic Fold and Thrust Belt, NW Corfu Island, Ionian Sea, NW Greece. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 106, 17-29.
- Palozzi, J., Pantopoulos G., Maravelis A., Nordsvan, A., Zelilidis, A. 2018. Sedimentological analysis and bed thickness statistics from a Carboniferous deep-water channel-levee complex: Myall Trough, SE Australia. Sedimentary Geology, 364, 160-179.
- Maravelis, A.G., Catuneanu, O., Nordsvan, A., Landenberger, B. & Zelilidis, A. 2018: Interplay of tectonism and eustasy during the Early Permian icehouse: Southern Sydney Basin, southeast Australia. Geological Journal, 53(4), 1372-1403.
- Kostopoulou, S., Maravelis, A. & Zelilidis, A. 2018: Biostratigraphic analysis in the southern Hellenic Thrace basin, (Lemnos island, north Aegean Sea). Turkish Journal of Earth Science. DOI: 10.3906/yer-1703-19.
- Tserolas, P., Maravelis, A., Pasadakis, N. & Zelilidis, A. 2018. Organic geochemical features of the Upper Miocene successions of Lefkas and Cephalonia islands, Ionian Sea, Greece: An integrated geochemical and statistical approach. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. doi.org/10.1007/s12517-018-3431-8.
- Maravelis, A.G., Pantopoulos, G., Tserolas, P. & Zelilidis, A., 2017: Reply to comment by Caracciolo et al. on: Maravelis et al. 2015. “Accretionary prism-forearc interactions as reflected in the sedimentary fill of southern Thrace Basin (Lemnos Island, NE Greece)”. Intr.Journ.Earth Sciences. 106: 389-394.
- Maravelis, A., Chamilaki E., Pasadakis, N., Vassiliou A. & Zelilidis, A. 2017. Organic geochemical characteristics and paleodepositional conditions of an Upper Carboniferous mud-rich succession (Yagon Siltstone): Myall Trough, southeast Australia. J.Petrol.Scince and engineering. 158: 322-335.
- Maravelis A.G., Chamilaki E., Pasadakis, N., Zelilidis, A. & Collins, W. 2017. Hydrocarbon generation potential of a Lower Permian sedimentary succession (Mount Agony Formation): Southern Sydney Basin, New South Wales, Southeast Australia. International Journal of Coal Geology, 184, 52-64.
Curriculum Vitae
Christos Kanellopoulos
Dr. Christos Kanellopoulos
University Scholar
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Office hours
- Tuesday 15:00-17:00
Educational Qualifications: BSc (NKUA), MSc (NKUA), PhD (NKUA)Researcher Profile
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=-LNiojkAAAAJ&hl=en
Research Interests
- Geochemistry
- Environmental geochemistry/ geology
- Ore deposits / Industrial minerals
- Sustainable Development
- Geothermal systems/energy
- Travertines / Carbonate sedimentology
- Geomicrobiology
- Igneous petrology
- Mineralogy
- G.I.S.
- CO2
- GEO_503E Industrial minerals
- Geol_077 Environmental and applied Geochemistry
- GEO_814E Methods on Research and Analysis of Minerals and Rocks
- Kanellopoulos, C., 2012. Distribution, lithotypes and mineralogical study of newly formed thermogenic travertines in Northern Euboea and Eastern Central Greece. Open Geosciences (former Central European Journal of Geosciences), 4(4), 545-560, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/s13533-012-0105-z
- Kanellopoulos, C. and Argyraki, A., 2013. Soil baseline geochemistry and plant response in areas of complex geology. Application to NW Euboea, Greece. Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry, 73(4), 519-532, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemer.2013.06.006
- Kanellopoulos, C., Argyraki, A., Mitropoulos, P., 2015. Geochemistry of serpentine agricultural soil and associated groundwater chemistry and vegetation in the area of Atalanti, Greece. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 158, 22-33, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2015.06.013
- Kanellopoulos, C., Lamprinou, V., Mitropoulos, P., Voudouris, P., 2015. Thermogenic travertine deposits in Thermopylae hot springs (Greece) in association with cyanobacterial microflora. Carbonates and Evaporites Journal, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13146-015-0255-4
- Gemeni, V., Vasilatos, C., Koukouzas, N., Kanellopoulos, C., 2015. Geochemical consequences in shallow aquifers from the long-term presence of CO2 in a natural field: The case of Florina Basin, W. Macedonia, Greece. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 6(4), 450-469, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ghg.1574
- Papavassiliou, K., Voudouris, P., Kanellopoulos, C., Glasby, G., Alfieris, D., Mitsis, I., 2016. New geochemical and mineralogical constraints on the genesis of the Vani hydrothermal manganese deposit at NW Milos island, Greece: Comparison with the Aspro Gialoudi deposit and implications for the formation of the Milos manganese mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews, 80, 594-611, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.07.023
- Stouraiti, C., Patziris, I., Vasilatos, C., Kanellopoulos, C., Mitropoulos, P., Moritz, R., Chiaradia, M., 2017. Ophiolitic remnants from the Upper Unit of the Attic‐Cycladic Crystalline Belt (Aegean, Greece): fingerprinting geochemical affinities of magmatic precursors. Geosciences Journal, 7(1), 1-32, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences7010014
- Kanellopoulos, C., Mitropoulos, P., Valsami-Jones, E., Voudouris, P., 2017. A new terrestrial active mineralizing hydrothermal system associated with ore-bearing travertines in Greece (northern Euboea Island and Sperchios area). Journal of Geochemical Exploration 179, 9-24, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2017.05.003
- Kanellopoulos, C., Mitropoulos, P., Argyraki, A., 2018. Radiological and hydrochemical study of thermal and fresh groundwater samples of northern Euboea and Sperchios areas, Greece: Insights into groundwater natural radioactivity and geology. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Journal 190:265, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-018-6643-1
- Venturi, S., Tassi, F., Vaselli, O., Vougioukalakis, G.E., Rashed, H., Kanellopoulos, C., Caponi, C., Capecchiacci, F., Cabassi, J., Ricci, A., Giannini, L., 2018. Active hydrothermal fluids circulation triggering small-scale collapse events: the case of the 2001-2002 fissure in the Lakki Plain (Nisyros Island, Aegean Sea, Greece). Natural Hazards Journal, 93(2), 601-626, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-018-3318-8
- Kanellopoulos, C., Valsami-Jones, E., Voudouris, P., Stouraiti, C., Moritz, R., Mavrogonatos, C., Mitropoulos, P., 2018. A new occurrence of terrestrial native iron in the earth`s surface: The Ilia thermogenic travertine case, northwestern Euboea, Greece. Geosciences Journal, 8, 287, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences8080287
- Kanellopoulos, C., Thomas, C., Xirokostas, N., Ariztegui, D., 2019. Banded Iron Travertines at the Ilia Hot Spring (Greece): An interplay of biotic and abiotic factors leading to a modern BIF analog? The Depositional Record, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/dep2.55
Curriculum Vitae
Dimitrios Papoulis
Dr. Dimitrios Papoulis
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Educational Qualifications: BSc (Patras), PhD (Patras)Researcher Profile
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=NnhmnlwAAAAJ&hl=el
Research Interests
- Earth Materials,
- Clays and Clay minerals
- Geol_01
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Dimitris Christodoulou
Dr. Dimitris Christodoulou
University Scholar
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Office hours
- Thursday 11:00-13:00
Educational Qualifications: BSc (University of Patras), MSc (University of Patras), PhD (University of Patras)Researcher Profile
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3012-6865
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=XCrDEzMAAAAJ&hl=en
Research Interests
- Seabed Fluid Flows
- Marine Geological Processes
- Processes and impacts of hypoxic / anoxic environments
- Marine remote sensing surveys in underwater archaeological sites
- Marine litter
- Environmental Oceanography
- Marine geological hazards and their impact on human activities
- GEO__705 Environmental Oceanography
- Christodoulou D., Papatheodorou G., Ferentinos G., Masson M. (2003): "Active seepage in two contrasting pockmark fields in Patras and Corinth Gulfs, Greece". Geo-Marine Letters 23: 194-199.
- Etiope G., Papatheodorou G., Christodoulou D., Favali P., Ferentinos G., E. Sokos (2006) Methane and hydrogen sulfide seepage in the NW Peloponnesus petroliferous basin (Greece): origin and geohazard. AAPG Bulletin v. 90, No. 5, pp. 701-713.
- Etiope, G., G, Papatheodorou, D. Christodoulou, M. Geraga, P. Favali (2006): The geological links of the ancient Delphic Oracle (Greece): A reappraisal of natural gas occurrence and origin. Geology v. 34, no. 10, p. 821-824.
- Marinaro, G., G, Etiope, N. Lo Bue, P. Favali, G. Papatheodorou, D. Christodoulou, F. Furlan, F. Gasparoni, G. Ferentinos, M. Masson, J-F. Rolin (2006) Monitoring of a methane-seeping pockmark by cabled benthic observatory (Patras Gulf, Greece), Geo-Marine letters 26:297-302.
- Ferentinos, G., Papatheodorou, G., Geraga, M., Iatrou, M., Fakiris, E., Christodoulou, D., Koutsikopoulos, C., Dimitriou, E. (2010). Fjord water circulation patterns and dysoxia/anoxia conditions in a Mediterranean embayment, Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88 (4), pp. 473-481. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.05.006
- Etiope G., Christodoulou D., Kordella S., Marinaro G., Papatheodorou G. (2013). Offshore and onshore seepage of thermogenic gas at Katakolo Bay (Western Greece). Chemical Geology 339 , pp. 115-126.
- Avramidis, P., Bekiari, V., Christodoulou, D., Papatheodorou, G. (2014). Sedimentology and water column stratification in a permanent anoxic Mediterranean lagoon environment, Aetoliko Lagoon, western Greece. Environmental Earth Sciences, v. 73 (9), pp 5687-5701.
- Ferentinos G., Papatheodorou G., Geraga M., Christodoulou D., Fakiris E., Iatrou M. (2015). The Disappearance of Helike-Classical Greece—New Remote Sensing and Geological Evidence. In: R. Lasaponara & N. Masini (eds). New Perspectives of Remote Sensing for Archaeology, Remote Sensing Sp. Is. Remote Sensing Vol. 7, Is 2, 2015, pp 1263-1278.
- Nixon C.W., McNeill L.C., Bull J.M, Bell R.E., Gawthorpe R.L., Henstock T.J., Christodoulou D., Ford M., Taylor B., Sakellariou D., Ferentinos G., Papatheodorou G., Leeder M.R., Collier R.E.L.I., Goodliffe A.M., Sachpazi M., Kranis H. (2016). Rapid spatiotemporal variations in rift structure during development of the Corinth Rift, central Greece. Tectonics, Vol. 35 (5), pp 1225-1248.
- Ferentinos G., Georgiou N., Christodoulou D., Geraga M., Papatheodorou G., 2018. Propagation and termination of a strike slip fault in an extensional domain: the westward growth of the north anatolian fault into the Aegean Sea. Tectonophysics, Accepted for publication.
- Fakiris, E.; Blondel, P.; Papatheodorou, G.; Christodoulou, D.; Dimas, X.; Georgiou, N.; Kordella, S.; Dimitriadis, C.; Rzhanov, Y.; Geraga, M.; Ferentinos, G. Multi-Frequency, Multi-Sonar Mapping of Shallow Habitats—Efficacy and Management Implications in the National Marine Park of Zakynthos, Greece. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 461.
- Ferentinos G., Fakiris E., Christodoulou D., Geraga M., Dimas X., Georgiou N., Kordella S., Papatheodorou G., Prevenios M., Sotiropoulos M., 2020. Optimal sidescan sonar and subbottom profiler surveying of ancient wrecks: The ‘Fiskardo’ wreck, Kefallinia Island, Ionian Sea. Journal of Archaeological Science. V. 113, Jan 2020, 105032.
Curriculum Vitae
Efthimios Sokos
Dr. Efthimios Sokos
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Portfolio
Educational Qualifications: BSc (Patras), PhD (Patras)Researcher Profile
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/
Research Interests
- Seismology
- Seismic Sources
- Engineering Seismology
- Seismic hazard
- Geol_01
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Eleni Zaggana
Dr. Eleni Zaggana
Assistant Professor
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Portfolio
Educational Qualifications: BSc (Athens), PhD (Athens)Researcher Profile
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=E44hoAEAAAAJ&hl=el
Research Interests
- Applied Hydrogeology
- Hydrochemistry
- Geol_01
- #######
George Iliopoulos
Dr. George Iliopoulos
Associate Professor
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Educational Qualifications: BSc (Athens, GR), PhD (Leicestershire, UK)Researcher Profile
Research Interests
- Palaeontology with special interest in Vertebrate Palaeontolog
- Fossil bone geochemistry and histology
- Stratigraphy-biostratigraphy
- Palaeoecology
- Geol_
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George Papatheodorou
Dr. George Papatheodorou
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Educational Qualifications: BSc (Patras), PhD (Patras)Researcher Profile
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=N9doCiMAAAAJ&hl=el
Research Interests
- Environmental Oceanography
- Marine Geology
- Geol_01
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Harilaos Tsikos
Dr. Harilaos Tsikos
Assistant Professor
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Office hours
- Monday 10:00-13:00
- Tuesday 10:00-13:00
- Thursday 10:00-13:00
Educational Qualifications: BSc (University of Athens), MSc/PhD (Rhodes University)
Postdoctoral Experience
· University of Johannesburg, South Africa (1999-2000)
· University of Oxford, UK (2000-2003)
· University of Aberdeen, UK (2004-2005)
Academic experience
· Rhodes University, South Africa (2005-2021)
Researcher Profile
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1352-2655
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=m4ufB_oAAAAJ&hl=en
Research Interests
- Low-temperature geochemistry
- Paleoceanography
- Sedimentary Ore Deposits
- Geol_019 Geochemistry
- Geol_075 Environmental and Applied Geochemistry
Recent publications
- Hagemann S, Hensler AS, Figueiredo e Silva RC & Tsikos H (2020) Light stable isotope (O, H, C) signatures of BIF-hosted iron ore systems: implications for genetic models and exploration targeting. In: Isotopes in economic geology, metallogenesis and exploration, SGA Special Publication (in press).
- Chukwuma K., Tsikos H & Wagner N (2021) Control of variability of primary grain assemblages on the stratigraphic differences in diagenetic processes and products in organic-rich sediments. Sedimentary Geology, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/sedgeol.2021.105966.
- Siahi M, Tsikos H, Rafuza S, Oonk PBH, Mason PRD, Mhlanga XR, van Niekerk D, & Harris C (2020): Insights into the processes and controls for the absolute abundance and distribution of manganese in Precambrian iron formations. Precambrian Research, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105878
- Albarede F, Thibon F, Blichert-Toft J & Tsikos H (2020) Chemical Archaeoceanography. Chemical Geology, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119625.
- Rasmussen B, Muhling J, Zi JW, Tsikos H & Fischer WW (2020) A 1.25 Ga depositional age for the "Paleoproterozoic" Mapedi red beds, Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa: New constraints on the timing of oxidative weathering and hematite mineralization. Geology 48, 44-48.
- Van Breugel Y, Cowan AK & Tsikos H (2019) Geochemical study of weathered coal, a co-substrate used in bioremediation of South African coal discard dumps. Minerals 9/772; doi:10.3390/min9120772.
- Thibon F, Blichert-Toft J, Albarede F., Foden J & Tsikos H (2019) A critical evaluation of copper isotopes in Precambrian Iron Formations as a paleoceanographic proxy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 264, 130-140.
- Papadopoulos A, Tzifas IT & Tsikos H (2019) The potential for REE and associated critical metals in coastal sand (placer) deposits of Greece: a review. Minerals 9/469, doi: 10.3390/min9080469.
- Fairey BJ, Timmerman MJ, Sudo M & Tsikos H (2019) The role of hydrothermal activity in the formation of Proterozoic, karst-hosted manganese deposits in the Postmasburg Mn field, Northern Cape Province, South Africa. Minerals 9/408, doi:10.3390/min9070408.
- Rasmussen B, Muhling JR, Tosca NJ & Tsikos H (2019) Evidence for anoxic shallow oceans at 2.45 Ga: Implications for the rise of oxygenic photosynthesis. Geology 47, 622-626.
- Tzifas I, Papadopoulos A, Misaelides P, Godelitsas A, Goettlicher J, Tsikos H, Karydas A, Luvizotto G, Petrelli M, Gamaletsos P, Kantarelou V, Hatzidimitriou A, Noli F & Kontofakas A (2019) New insights into mineralogy and geochemistry of allanite-bearing Mediterranean coastal sands from Northern Greece. Geochemistry 79, 247-267.
- Thibon F, Blichert-Toft J, Tsikos H, Foden J, Albalat E & Albarede F (2019) Dynamics of oceanic iron prior to the Great Oxygenation Event. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 506, 360-370.
- Gale AS, Jenkyns HC, Tsikos H, van Breugel Y, Damsté JSS, Bottini C, Erba E, Russo F, Falzoni F, Petrizzo MR, Dickson AJ & Wray DS (2019) High-resolution bio- and chemo-stratigraphy of an expanded record of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (Late Cenomanian–Early Turonian) at Clot de Chevalier, near Barrême, SE France (Vocontian Basin). Newsletters on Stratigraphy 52, 97-129.
Curriculum Vitae
Helene Simoni
Dr Helene Simoni
Laboratory Teaching Staff
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Office hours
- Monday 10:00-11:00
- Wednesday 10:00-11:00
- Friday 12:00-13:00
Educational Qualifications: BA (Athens), MA (Leicester), PhD (Patras)Researcher Profile
Research Interests
- Landscape Archaeology
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Cultural Resource Management
- Local History
- Urban Archaeology
- Geol_012 Cartography & Introduction to GIS
- Geol_024 Geographic Information Systems
- Geol_033 Digital Remote Sensing
- Geol_066 Hydrology with GIS and Remote Sensing
- Geol_078 Protection of the Geological, Geographic and Human Heritage
- GEO_822E GIS and Remote Sensing in Applied Geology. Data Analysis and modeling
- PED_320 Introduction to Greek Culture & Civilization
Recent Publications
- Mandarino A., Stamatopoulos L., Mpalatsas G., Simoni H., Papagiannopoulos K. & P. Brandolini 2022: Channel planform changes on the lower Peiros River (Patras, Greece): 1945-2018 comparison, in Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana 56, 21-28
- Simoni H 2021: Ground Truthing and Remotely Sensed Data for Interpreting the Archaeological Potential of Modern Cities: The Case-Study of Patras, Greece, in Burgers, G.L.M., L. Cicala, G. Iliano, & Μ. Quagliuolo (eds) Archaeology in the City: Proceedings of the International Workshop, Amsterdam 16-17 October 2019, (Naples: Naus Editoria, 2021), 59-72.
- Simoni H., Papagiannopoulos K., Tsiakiris R., & Stara K. 2021: Local resource management imprinted in the landscape: convergent evolution in two Greek mountain-plains during the last five centuries, in Bartelheim, M., L. García Sanjuán, & R. Hardenberg (eds) "Human-Made Environments. The Development of Landscapes as ResourceAssemblages." ,53-73 doi.org/10.15496/publikation-60477
- Papagiannopoulos, K., Simoni, H. & Kontolaimos, P. 2021: Settlement Pattern and Land Use under the Frankish Feudal System in the Northwestern Peloponnese (Thirteenth–Mid-Fifteenth Centuries). Frankokratia, 2(2), 109-143.
- Simoni H. & E. Georgoudaki 2020: The University of Patras, Greece, its city, and international students: insights from multiple cartographic perspectives, European Planning Studies, 28:2, 213-233, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2019.1632270
- Simoni H. 2018: Mapping Places and Relations: Representations of the city of Patras and its reflections in the academia through cartography, in: Matiu O. (ed.): ReValue. Rethinking the value of Arts and Culture. 11th Interdisciplinary Conference of the University Network of the European Capitals of Culture, Proceedings, Aarhus, 8-11 November 2017. Sibiu: Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Press, 51- 66.
- Ριζάκης, Α., Κ. Παπαγιαννόπουλος & Ε. Σιμώνη, 2018: Συμβολή στη μελέτη των ρωμαϊκών κτηματολογίων στη Δυμαία χώρα με τη χρήση Γεωγραφικών Συστημάτων Πληροφοριών/ A GIS application on the study of Roman cadastres in Dyme, Achaia. Στο: Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στην Πελοπόννησο (ΑΕΠΕΛ1). Πρακτικά του Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου, Τρίπολη, 7-11 Νοεμβρίου 2012, 561-570.
- Αργυρόπουλος B., Ε. Σιμώνη, Κ. Παπαγιαννόπουλος (επιμ.) 2017, Αρχαιολογικοί χώροι και μνημεία του Δήμου Δυτικής Αχαΐας. Πρακτικά Ημερίδας 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016. Κάτω Αχαΐα: Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Αχαΐας – Δήμος Δυτικής Αχαΐας
- Simoni, H. & K. Papagiannopoulos, 2017: Integrating Local History and Landscape Archaeology: two case studies from western Greece. Journal of Greek Archaeology 2, 321-337
- Παπαγιαννόπουλος, K. & Σιμώνη, Ε. (επιμ.) 2017. Οι ρίζες των Σουδενιωτών. Τοπική Ιστορία και Αρχαιολογία των μετακινήσεων/ The roots of Soudeniotes. Local History and Archaeology of the movements (Λουσικά: Σύλλογος Σουδενιωτών Πατρών & Περιχώρων).
- Simoni H., 2016: Geographical Information Systems in Urban Archaeology and Urban Planning. A case study from a Greek modern city, built on top of an ancient city, Oxford: BAR International Series 2812
Curriculum Vitae
Extended CV
Ioannis Iliopoulos
Dr. Ioannis Iliopoulos
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Office hours
- Tuesday 10:00-11:00
- Wednesday 13:00-14:00
- Friday 10:00-11:00
Educational Qualifications: BSc (Patras), PhD (Patras)Researcher Profile
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=XaOJ39gAAAAJ&hl=el
Research Interests
- Metamorphic Petrology
- Industrial minerals
- Sustainable Development
- Archaeometric Studies with Emphasis on Evaluation and Provenance of ancient ceramics and Stone artefacts
- Geol_017 Computer applications in Earth Sciences
- Geol_035 Petrology of Igneous and Metamorphic rocks
- Geol_039 Geological Excursion V
- Geol_040 Industrial minerals
- Geol_050 Methods on Research and Analysis of Minerals and Rocks
- Geol_071 Metamorphism in the Hellenic region
- Geol_078 Protection of the Geological, Geographic and Human Heritage
- GEO_OME02 Earth Materials and Environmental Applications
- GEO_OME03 Advanced topics in Mineralogy/Petrology/Ore Geology
- GEO_OME04 Earth Materials and Sustainable Development
- GEO_OME05 Instumental Methods of the analysis of Earth Materials
- GEO_OME12 Archaeometric approaches for the study of ancient ceramic and stone artefacts
- OC_O02 Seafloor Mapping for Marine Heritage
- Xanthopoulou, V., Iliopoulos, I., Katsonopoulou, D., and Katsarou, S. (in press) Standardized patterns in the ceramic craft at early Bronze Age Helike, Achaea, Greece. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.
- Xanthopoulou, V., Iliopoulos, I., and Avramidis, P. (2021) Assessment of clayey raw material suitability for ceramic production, in the Northern Peloponnese, Greece. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences (2021) 13:50. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-021-01297-1
- Xanthopoulou, V., Iliopoulos, I., and Liritzis, I. (2021) Mineralogical and Microstructure Analysis for Characterization and Provenance of Ceramic Artifacts from Late Helladic Kastrouli Settlement, Delphi (Central Greece). Geosciences 2021, 11, 36. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences11010036
- Lara, C., and Iliopoulos, I., (2020). Ceramic technology, ethnic identification and multiethnic contacts: the archaeological example of the Cuyes river valley (south-eastern Andes of Ecuador). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 33: #102557. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102557
- Liritzis, I., Xanthopoulou, V., Palamara, E., Papageorgiou, I., Iliopoulos, I., Zacharias, N., Vafiadou, A., Germanos Karydas A., (2020). Characterization and provenance of ceramic artifacts and local clays from Late Mycenaean Kastrouli (Greece) by means of p-XRF screening and statistical analysis. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 46: 61-81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2020.06.004
- Lampropoulou, P., Laskaris, N., Petrounias, P., Giannakopoulou, P.P., Rogkala, A., Kalampounias, A.G., Tsigrou, P., Katagas, C.G., and Iliopoulos, I., (2020). Petrogeochemical approaches to the characterization of obsidian derived from Nychia area (Milos Island, Greece) using combined methods. Microchemical Journal, 156, article no. 104843. DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2020.104843
- Xanthopoulou, V., Iliopoulos, I., and Liritzis, I., (2020). Characterisation techniques of clays for the archaeometric study of ancient ceramics: a review. Scientific Culture, 6(2): 73-86. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3724849
- Liritzis, I., Bednarik, R., Polymeris, G., Iliopoulos, I., Zacharias, N., Kumar G., Vafiadou, A. and Bratitsi, M., (2019). Daraki-Chattan rock art constrained osl chronology and multianalytical techniques: a first pilot investigation. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 37, 29-43.
- Bourli, N., Kokkaliari, M., Iliopoulos, I., Pe-Piper, G., Piper, D., Maravelis, A., & Zelilidis, A., (2019), Mineralogy of siliceous concretions, cretaceous of Ionian zone, western Greece: Implication for diagenesis and porosity, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 105, 45 – 63.
- Bratitsi M., Liritzis I., Vafiadou A., Xanthopoulou V., Palamara E., Iliopoulos I., Zacharias, N., (2018). Critical assessment of chromatic index in archaeological ceramics by Munsell and RGB: novel contribution to characterization and provenance studies. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 18(2), pp.175-212.
- Vitale, S., Marketou, T., McNamee, C., Moutafi, I., Vika, E., Mantello, C., Morrison, J.E., Iliopoulos, I., Passa, K.-S., Moulo, K., Blackwell, N.G. and Ballan, E., (2017). The Serraglio, Eleona, and Lancada Arcaeological Project (SELAP): report on the results of the 2011 to 2015 study seasons. In: Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle missioni Italiane in Oriente, vol. XCIV, serie III, 16, 2016, pp. 225-286.
- Liritzis, I., Zacharias, N., Al-Otaibi, F., Iliopoulos, I., Katagas, C., & Shaltout, M. (2016). Chronology of construction and occupational phases of nawamis tombs, sinai based on OSL dating. Geochronometria, 43(1), 121-130. doi:10.1515/geochr-2015-0041
- Tsikouras, Β., Passa, K.-S., Iliopoulos, I., & Katagas, C., (2016). Microstructural Control on Perlite Expansibility and Geochemical Balance with a Novel Application of Isocon Analysis: An Example from Milos Island Perlite (Greece). Minerals, 6(3), 80
- Katsonopoulou, D., Iliopoulos, I., Katsarou S., & Xanthopoulou, V., (2016). Craftsmanship of big storage pithoi in the Early Helladic settlement of Helike, Achaea. BAR S2780 Proceedings of the 6th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry, Edited by E. Photos-Jones in collaboration with Y. Bassiakos, E. Filippaki, A. Hein, I. Karatasios, V. Kilikoglou and E. Kouloumpi. British Archaeological Reports Ltd.
- Aravadinou, E., Xypolias, P., Chatzaras, V., Iliopoulos, I., & Gerogiannis, N. (2015). Ductile nappe stacking and refolding in the Cycladic Blueschist unit: insights from Sifnos Island (south Aegean Sea), International Journal of Earth Sciences, Special Issue on Eastern Mediterranean Tectonics.
Curriculum Vitae
Ioannis Koukouvelas
Dr. Ioannis Koukouvelas
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Portfolio
Educational Qualifications: BSc (Patras), PhD (Patras)Researcher Profile
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=grD_-RoAAAAJ&hl=el
Research Interests
- Structural Geology
- Paleoseismology
- Active Tectonics
- Magma emplacement
- Geol_01
- #####
Kimon Christanis
Dr. Kimon Christanis
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Office hours
- Monday 10:00-11:00
- Wednesday 10:00-11:00
- Friday 12:00-13:00
Educational Qualifications: Diploma (NTU Athens), PhD (Braunschweig, Germany)Researcher Profile
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?hl=el&user=HPLxpB8AAAAJ
Research Interests
- Peat/Coal Geology
- Organic Petrology
- Environmental impacts from peat/coal utilization
- Non-energy applications of peat and coal
- GEO_045 Energy Sources
- GEO_061Ε Coal Geology
- GEO_075 Geothermal Energy
- GEO_611 Seminar on scientific and CV writing
- GE_EM02 Environmental impacts from exploitation of earth materials – Rehabilitation of landscape and the environment
- Ogala, J.E., Kalaitzidis, S., Rizos, A.M., Christanis, K., Omo-irabor, O.O., Adaikpoh, E.O., Ejeh, O.I., Papaefthymiou, H. (in press). Petrographic and mineralogical study of extended outcrops of lignite layers in Agbor area, southern Nigeria. J. Afr. Earth Sci.
- Kern, O.A., Koutsodendris, A., Machtle, B., Christanis, K., Scholz, C., Kotthoff, U., Pross, J., Schukraft, G. (in press). XRF core scanning yields reliable semiquantitative data on the elemental composition of highly organic-rich sediments: Evidence from the Furamoos peat bog (Southern Germany). Sci. Tot. Environ.
- Oskay, R.G., Christanis, K., Salman, M. (2019). Coal features and depositional environment of the Northern Karapınar–Ayrancı coal deposit (Konya, Central Turkey). Turkish J. Earth Sci. 28, 260-274.
- Ogala, J.E., Kalaitzidis, S., Christanis, K., Omo-Irabor, O.O., Akinmosin, A., Yusuf, C.U., Constantinopoulos, M., Papaefthymiou, H., Pasadakis, N. (2019). Geochemical and organic petrological study of bituminous sediments from Dahomey Basin, SW Nigeria. Mar. Petrol. Geol. 99, 577–595.
- Christanis, K. (2017). Greece. In: Mires and peatlands of Europe. Status, distribution and conservation (Joosten, H., Tanneberger, F. and Moen, A., eds), 425-43, Schweizerbart Sci. Publ. [ISBN 978-3-510-65383-6].Pickel, W., Kus, J., Flores, D., Kalaitzidis, S., Christanis, K., Cardott, B.J., Misz-Kennan, M., Rodrigues, S., Hentschel, A., Hamor-Vido, M., Crosdale, P., Wagner, N. (2017). Classification of liptinite – ICCP System 1994. Int. J. Coal Geol. 169, 40-61.
- Oskay, R.G., Christanis, K., Inaner, H., Salman, M., Taka, M. (2016). Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the eastern part of the Karapınar-Ayrancı coal deposit (Central Turkey). Int. J. Coal Geol. 163, 100-111.
- Alnawafleh, H., Tarawneh, K., Siavalas, G., Christanis, K., Iordanidis, A. (2016). Geochemistry and Organic Petrography of Jordanian Sultani Oil Shale. Open J. Geol. 6, 1209-1220.
- Christanis, K. (2016). The Philippi Peatland (Greece). In: C.M. Finlayson et al. (eds.), The Wetland Book, 6 pp., Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Curriculum Vitae
Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos
Dr. Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Portfolio
Educational Qualifications: BSc (Athens), PhD (Athens)Researcher Profile
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?hl=el&user=12UCVhsAAAAJ
Research Interests
- Remote Sensing
- Photogrammetry
- Hydrology
- Geological Mapping
- Geol_01
- #######
Leonidas Stamatopoulos
Dr. Leonidas Stamatopoulos
Assistant Professor
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Portfolio
Educational Qualifications: BSc (Patras), PhD (Patras)Researcher Profile
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/
Research Interests
- Geomorphology
- Quaternary Geology
- Geol_01
- #######
Nikolaos Depountis
Dr. Nikolaos Depountis
Assistant Professor
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Portfolio
Educational Qualifications: BSc (Patras), MSc (Cardiff, Uk), PhD (Cardiff, UK)Researcher Profile
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=5gTtPcoAAAAJ&hl=el
Research Interests
- Geotechnical investigations and studies for the construction of technical works
- Physical and mechanical properties of soils and rocks
- Erosion modelling on land and coastal formations
- Landslides: monitoring, hazard and risk assessment, design of remedial measures and early-warning systems
- Geological suitability for urban development and land use planning
- Geol_047 Engineering Geology
- Geol_054, CIV_8357A Geology of Technical Works and Rock Mechanics
- Geol_066 Elements of Geotechnical Engineering
- Geol_080 Landslide phenomena in the terrestrial and marine environment
- CIV_2138A Geology for Civil Engineers
- GEO_AGG02 Applications of Engineering Geology in infrastructure projects
- GEO_AGG03 Natural hazards and the environment
- GEO_AGG07 Geotechnical surveys and studies - Instrument and Monitoring
- OC_001 Marine Engineering Geology
- Depountis N, Michalopoulou M, Kavoura k, Nikolakopoulos K, Sabatakakis N (2020). Estimating Soil Erosion Rate Changes in Areas Affected by Wildfires. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(10), 562, doi: 3390/ijgi9100562.
- Apostolopoulos D, Nikolakopoulos K, Boumpoulis V, Depountis N (2020). GIS based analysis and accuracy assessment of low-resolution satellite imagery for coastline monitoring. SPIE 11534, Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications XI, 115340B, 12, doi: 10.1117/12.2573440.
- Depountis N, Nikolakopoulos K, Kavoura K, Sabatakakis N (2020). Description of a GIS-based rockfall hazard assessment methodology and its application in mountainous sites. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 79: 645-658, doi: 1007/s10064-019-01590-3.
- Kavoura K, Konstantopoulou M, Depountis N Sabatakakis N (2020). Slow-moving landslides: kinematic analysis and movement evolution modeling. Environmental Earth Sciences, 79:130, 11, doi: 1007/s12665-020-8879-7.
- Nikolakopoulos K, Konstantinopoulos D, Depountis N, Kavoura K, Sabatakakis N, Fakiris E, Christodoulou D, Papatheodorou G (2019). Coastal monitoring activities in the frame of TRITON project. SPIE 11156, Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications X, 111560Z, 8, doi: 10.1117/12.2532766.
- Depountis N, Vidali M, Kavoura K, Sabatakakis N (2018). Soil erosion prediction at the water reservoir’s basin of Pineios dam, Western Greece, using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and GIS. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 14: 457-463. E-ISSN: 2224-3496.
- Anagnostopolou S, Boumpoulis V, Lampropoulou P, Servou A, Depountis N, Sabatakakis N (2018). The Behavior of the Highly Weathered and Partially Decomposed Flysch in the Reactivation of Landslide Phenomena in Greece. A Shakoor et al. (eds.), Springer, Slope Stability: Case Histories, Landslide Mapping, Emerging Technologies - Volume 1, 119-124, doi: 1007/978-3-319-93124-1_15.
- Nikolakopoulos K, Kavoura K, Depountis N, Kyriou A, Argyropoulos N, Koukouvelas I, Sabatakakis N (2017). Preliminary results from active landslide monitoring using multidisciplinary surveys. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 50:1, 280-299. doi: 1080/22797254.2017.1324741.
- Tsiambaos G, Sabatakakis N, Rrondoyanni Th, Depountis N, Kavoura K (2015). Composite landslides affecting Flysch and Neogene weak rock formations induced by heavy rainfalls. In: Innovations in Applied and Theoretical Rock Mechanics, 13th International Congress of Rock Mechanics, Montreal, Canada, p. 10. ISBN 978-1-926872-25-4.
Curriculum Vitae
Extended CV
Nikolaos Lambrakis
Dr. Nikolaos Lambrakis
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Portfolio
Educational Qualifications: BSc (Patras), PhD (Patras)Researcher Profile
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?hl=el&user=12UCVhsAAAAJ
Research Interests
- Hydrogeology
- Hydrochemistry
- Geol_01
- #######
Nikolaos Sabatakakis
Dr. Nikolaos Sabatakakis
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Office hours
- Tuesday 10:00-11:00
- Wednesday 10:00-11:00
- Thursday 12:00-13:00
Educational Qualifications: BSc (Athens), PhD (Patras)Researcher Profile
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?hl=el&user=fLNtrSYAAAAJ
Research Interests
- Engineering Geology – Geotechnical Engineering
- Landslide monitoring, hazard and risk assessment
- Land use ground suitability and environmental consequences
- Monuments restoration and preservation
- Geol_047 Engineering Geology
- Geol_054 Geology of technical works and the environment
- Geol_055 Geological Excursion VII
- Geol_065 Elements of Geotechnical Engineering
- Geol_079 Landslide phenomena in terrestrial and marine environment
- CIV_8357A Geology of technical works and the environment
- GEO_AGG02 Applications of Engineering Geology in infrastructures
- GEO_AGG03 Natural hazards and the environment
- GEO_AGG07 Geotechnical investigations and measurements – monitoring
- OC-01 Marine Engineering Geology
- Kavoura K, Sabatakakis N (2019). “Investigating landslide susceptibility procedures in Greece”. Landslides. doi: 10.1007/s10346-019-01271-y
- Depountis N, Nikolakopoulos K, Kavoura K, Sabatakakis N (2019). “Description of a GIS-based rockfall hazard assessment methodology and its application in mountainous sites”. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. doi: 10.1007/s10064-019-01590-3
- Sabatakakis N, Tsiambaos G, Ktena S, Bouboukas S (2018). “The effect of microstructure on mi strength parameter of common rock types”. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 77: 1673-1688. doi: 10.1007/s10064-017-1059-7
- Nikolakopoulos K, Kavoura K, Depountis N, Kyriou A, Argyropoulos N, Koukouvelas I, Sabatakakis N (2017): “Preliminary results from active landslide monitoring using multidisciplinary surveys” European Journal of Remote Sensing, 50:1, 280-299. doi: 10.1080/22797254.2017.1324741
- Chousianitis K, Del Gaudio V, Sabatakakis N, Kavoura K, Drakatos G, Bathrelos G, Skilodimou H (2016). “Assessment of earthquake - induced landslide hazard in Greece: From Arias intensity to spatial distribution of slope resistance demand”. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 106(1): 174 - 188. doi: 10.1785/0120150172
- Lainas S, Sabatakakis N, Koukis G (2016): “Rainfall thresholds for possible landslide initiation in wildfire-affected areas of western Greece” Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 75:883-896, doi: 10.1007/s10064-015-0762-5
- Sabatakakis N, Nikolakopoulos K, Papatheodorou G, Kelasidis G (2016). “A multisource approach for coastal mapping purposes: Limeni bay, Mani and surrounding area, southern Greece” Earth Sciences Informatics, 9(2):183-196, doi: 10.1007/s12145-016-0250-x
- Kavoura K, Sabatakakis N, Tsiambaos G (2016) “Long term ground displacements due to a large landslide in western Greece”. Landslides and Engineered Slopes. Experience, Theory and Practice – Aversa et al. (Eds) CRC Press 2016, Pages 1177–1181. doi: 10.1201/b21520-142
- Sabatakakis N, Tsiambaos G, Rondoyianni R, Papanakli St, Kavoura Kat (2015). “Deep - seated structurally controlled landslides of Corinth Gulf rift zone, Greece: The case of Panagopoula landslide” Proc. of 13th ISRM Congress Innovations of Applied and Theoretical Rock Mechanics - ISBN: 978-1-926872-25-4, paper 651.
Curriculum Vitae
Panagiota Giannakopoulou
Dr. Panagiota Giannakopoulou
Adjunct lecturer (assistant prof) (P.D. 407/80)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Office hours
- Monday 10:00-13:00
Educational Qualifications: BSc (University of Patras), MSc (University of Patras), PhD (University of Patras)Researcher Profile
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8923-4193
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user
Research Interests
- Applied Petrography
- Applications of Aggregate Materials
- GΕΟ_402 Petrography of Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks
- Nikolakopoulos, K.G., Lampropoulou, P., Papoulis, D., Rogkala, A., Giannakopoulou, P.P., Petrounias, P. 2018. Combined Use of Remote Sensing Data, Mineralogical Analyses, Microstructure Studies and Geographic Information System for Geological Mapping of Antiparos Island (Greece). Geosciences. 8, 96.
- Petrounias, P., Giannakopoulou, P.P., Rogkala, A., Stamatis, P.M., Tsikouras, B., Papoulis, D., Lampropoulou, P., Hatzipanagiotou, K. 2018. The Influence of Alteration of Aggregates on the Quality of the Concrete: A Case Study from Serpentinites and Andesites from Central Macedonia (North Greece). Geosciences 8, 115.
- Giannakopoulou, P.P., Petrounias, P., Rogkala, A., Tsikouras, B., Stamatis, P.M., Pomonis, P., Hatzipanagiotou, K. 2018. The Influence of the Mineralogical Composition of Ultramafic Rocks on Their Engineering Performance: A Case Study from the Veria-Naousa and Gerania Ophiolite Complexes (Greece). Geosciences. 8, 251.
- Petrounias, P., Giannakopoulou, P.P., Rogkala, A., Lampropoulou, P., Koutsopoulou, E., Papoulis, D., Tsikouras, B., Hatzipanagiotou, K. 2018. The Impact of Secondary Phyllosilicate Minerals on the Engineering Properties of Various Igneous Aggregates from Greece. Minerals. 8, 329.
- Petrounias, P., Giannakopoulou, P.P., Rogkala, A., Stamatis, P.M, Lampropoulou, P., Tsikouras, B., Hatzipanagiotou. K. 2018. The effect of petrographic characteristics and physico-mechanical properties of aggregates on the quality of concrete. Minerals, 8 (12), 577. doi.org/10.3390/min8120577.
- Giannakopoulou, P.P., Petrounias, P., Tsikouras, B., Kalaitzidis, S., Rogkala A., Hatzipanagiotou, K., Tombros, S.F. 2018. Using Factor analysis to determine the interrelationships between the engineering properties of aggregates from igneous rocks in Greece, Minerals, 8 (12), 580. doi.org/10.3390/min8120580.
- Rogkala, A., Petrounias, P., Tsikouras, B., Giannakopoulou, P.P., Hatzipanagiotou, K., 2019. Mineralogical evidence for partial melting and melt-rock interaction processes in the mantle peridotites of Edessa ophiolite (north Greece). Minerals 9 (2), 120.
- Petrounias, P., Rogkala, A., Giannakopoulou, P.P., Tsikouras, B., Lampropoulou, P., Kalaitzidis, S., Hatzipanagiotou, K., Lambrakis, N., Christopoulou, M.A. 2019. An Experimental Study for the Remediation of Industrial Waste Water Using a Combination of Low Cost Mineral Raw Materials. Minerals, 9, 207.
- Petrounias, P., Giannakopoulou, P.P., Rogkala, A., Lampropoulou, P., Tsikouras, B., Rigopoulos, I., Hatzipanagiotou, K. 2019. Petrographic and Mechanical Characteristics of Concrete Produced by Different Type of Recycled Materials. Geosciences, 9, 264.
Curriculum Vitae
Paraskevi Lampropoulou
Dr. Paraskevi Lampropoulou
Laboratory Teaching Staff
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Office hours
- Monday to Friday 10:00-15:00
Educational Qualifications: BSc (Patras), PhD (Patras)Researcher Profile
Research Interests
- Characterization of minerals and rocks: Investigation and Uses
- Utilization of byproducts on the production of new friendly to the environment materials (as ceramics, aggregates, concrete, cement)
- Geol_001 Mineralogy I
- Geol_009 Mineralogy II
- GEO_OME05 Instrumental Methods of the analysis of Earth Materials
- GEO_OME03 Advanced topics in Mineralogy/Petrology/Ore Geology
- Tzevelekou T., Lampropoulou P., Giannakopoulou P. P., Rogkala A., Koutsovitis P., Koukouzas N., Petros Petrounias P (2020). Valorization of slags produced by smelting of metallurgical dusts and lateritic ore fines in manufacturing of slag cements. Applied. Sciences. 10(13), 4670
- Lampropoulou P., Petrounias P., Giannakopoulou P. P., Rogkala A., N. Koukouzas N., Tsikouras B., Hatzipanagiotou K. (2020). The effect of chemical composition of ultramafic and mafic aggregates on their physicomechanical properties as well as on the produced concrete strength. Minerals 10 (5), 406.
- Lampropoulou P., Laskaris N., Petrounias P., Giannakopoulou P. P., Rogkala A., Kalampounias A. G., Tsigrou P., Katagas C. G., Iliopoulos I. (2020). Petrogeochemical approaches to the characterization of obsidian derived from Nychia area (Milos island, Greece) using combined methods. Microchemical Journal 156, 1.
- Petrounias P., Rogkala A., Giannakopoulou P. P., Tsikouras B., Lampropoulou P., Kalaitzidis S., Hatzipanagiotou K., Lambrakis, N. Christopoulou M. (2019). An Experimental Study for the Remediation of Industrial Waste Water Using a Combination of Low Cost Mineral Raw Materials. Minerals 9(4), 207. https://doi.org/10.3390/min9040207 (2.380).
- Nikolakopoulos K., Lampropoulou P., Fakiris E., Sardelianos D., Papatheodorou G. (2018). An Integrated Methodological Scheme Consisted of Synergistic Use of UAV and USV Data and Petrographic Analyses for the Investigation of Beachrock Formations: A Case Study from Syros island, Aegean Sea, Greece. Minerals. 8(11), 534.
- Petrounias P., Giannakopoulou P.P., Rogkala A., Stamatis P.M., Tsikouras B., Papoulis D, Lampropoulou P., Hatzipanagiotou K. (2018). The Influence of Alteration of Aggregates on the Quality of the Concrete: A Case Study from Serpentinites and Andesites from Central Macedonia (North Greece). Geosciences. 8 (115), 2- 17.
- Nikolakopoulos K.G., Lampropoulou P., Papoulis D., Rogkala A., Giannakopoulou P. P., Petrounias P. (2018). Combined Use of Remote Sensing Data, Mineralogical Analyses, Microstructure Studies and Geographic Information System for Geological Mapping of Antiparos Island (Greece). Geosciences.8 (96), 2 - 16.
- Lampropoulou P., Katagas C., Iliopoulos I., Papoulis D. (2013): New periclase- magnesium aluminate spinel refractories from sintered high purity dead burned magnesite and new various presynthesized spinel- based compositions (I): Study in terms of mineralogical composition, microstructure, thermal expansion and cold crushing strength. Refractories and Industrial Ceramics. 53 (5), 310-316. DOI: 10.1007/s11148-013-9517-7 (0.494).
Curriculum Vitae
Extended CV
Paris Xypolias
Dr. Paris Xypolias
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Office hours
- Monday 10:00-11:00
- Tuesday 12:00-13:00
- Friday 10:00-11:00
Educational Qualifications: BSc (Patras), PhD (Patras)Researcher Profile
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=aZ8bEDwAAAAJ&hl=el
Research Interests
- Structural Geology
- Hard Rock Geology
- Microtectonics
- Tectonics/Geodynamics
- Geol_028 Structural Geology
- Geol_030 Geological Fieldtrip III
- Geol_034 Geological Mapping (Sedimentary rocks)
- Geol_038 Geological Fieldtrip IV
- Geol_042 Photogeology
- Geol_044 Geological Mapping (Crystalline rocks)
- Geol_048 Geological Fieldtrip VI
- GEO_CAD01 Structure and Mechanics of Lithosphere
- GEO_CAD05 Processing and Analysis of Structural Data
- Gerogiannis, N., Xypolias, P., Chatzaras, V., Aravadinou, E., Papapavlou, K. 2019. Deformation within the Cycladic subduction-exhumation channel: new insights from the enigmatic Makrotantalo nappe (Andros, Aegean). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 108, 817–843.
- Zulauf, G., Dörr, W., Xypolias, P., Gerdes, A., Kowalczyk, G., Linckens, L. 2019. Triassic evolution of the western Neotethys: Constraints from microfabrics and U–Pb detrital zircon ages of the Plattenkalk Unit (External Hellenides, Greece). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 108, 2493-2529.
- Martha, S.O., Zulauf, G., Dörr, W., Binck, J. J., Nowara, P.M., Xypolias, P. 2019. The Uppermost Unit south of the Dikti Mountains, eastern Crete: Constraints on the Tectonometamorphic evolution of the Internal Hellenides. Geological Magazine, 156, 1003-1026.
- Xypolias, P., Gerogiannis, N., Chatzaras, V., Papapavlou, K., Kruckenberg, S.C., Aravadinou, E., Michels, Z. 2018. Using incremental elongation and shearing to unravel the deformation path in a complex transpressional zone. Journal of Structural Geology, 115, 64-81.
- Gerogiannis, N., Xypolias, P. 2017. Retroward extrusion of high-pressure rocks: an example from the Hellenides (Pelion Blueschist Nappe, NW Aegean). Terra Nova, 29, 372-381.
- Aravadinou, E., Xypolias, P. 2017. Evolution of a passive crustal-scale detachment (Syros, Aegean region): insights from structural and petrofabric analyses in the hanging-wall. Journal of Structural Geology, 103, 57-74.
- Chatzaras, V., Dörr, W., Xypolias, P., Zulauf, G. 2016. Tracking the late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic margin of northern Gondwana in the Hellenides: paleotectonic constraints from U–Pb detrital zircon ages. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 105, 1881-1899.
- Aravadinou, E., Xypolias, P., Chatzaras, V., Iliopoulos, I., Gerogiannis, N. 2016. Ductile nappe stacking and refolding in the Cycladic Blueschist unit: insights from Sifnos Island (south Aegean Sea). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 105, 2075-2096.
- Martha, S.O., Dörr, W., Gerdes, A., Petschick, R., Schastok, J., Xypolias, P., Zulauf, G. 2016. New structural and U–Pb zircon data from Anafi crystalline basement (Cyclades, Greece): constraints on the evolution of a Late Cretaceous magmatic arc in the Internal Hellenides. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 105, 2031-2060.
- Zulauf, G., Dörr, W., Krahl, J., Lahye, L., Chatzaras, V., Xypolias, P. 2016. U-Pb zircon and biostratigraphic data of high-pressure/low-temperature metamorphic rocks of the Talea Ori: Tracking the Paleotethys suture in central Crete, Greece. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 105, 1901-1922.
Curriculum Vitae