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Dr. Dimitris Christodoulou

University Scholar
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Office hours

  • Thursday 11:00-13:00


Educational Qualifications: BSc (University of Patras), MSc (University of Patras), PhD (University of Patras)

Researcher Profile 


Research Interests

  • Seabed Fluid Flows
  • Marine Geological Processes
  • Processes and impacts of hypoxic / anoxic environments
  • Marine remote sensing surveys in underwater archaeological sites
  • Marine litter
  • Environmental Oceanography
  • Marine geological hazards and their impact on human activities


  • GEO__705 Environmental Oceanography


  • Christodoulou D., Papatheodorou G., Ferentinos G., Masson M. (2003): "Active seepage in two contrasting pockmark fields in Patras and Corinth Gulfs, Greece". Geo-Marine Letters 23: 194-199.
  • Etiope G., Papatheodorou G., Christodoulou D., Favali P., Ferentinos G., E. Sokos (2006) Methane and hydrogen sulfide seepage in the NW Peloponnesus petroliferous basin (Greece): origin and geohazard. AAPG Bulletin v. 90, No. 5, pp. 701-713.
  • Etiope, G., G, Papatheodorou, D. Christodoulou, M. Geraga, P. Favali (2006): The geological links of the ancient Delphic Oracle (Greece): A reappraisal of natural gas occurrence and origin. Geology v. 34, no. 10, p. 821-824.
  • Marinaro, G., G, Etiope, N. Lo Bue, P. Favali, G. Papatheodorou, D. Christodoulou, F. Furlan, F. Gasparoni, G. Ferentinos, M. Masson, J-F. Rolin (2006) Monitoring of a methane-seeping pockmark by cabled benthic observatory (Patras Gulf, Greece), Geo-Marine letters 26:297-302.
  • Ferentinos, G., Papatheodorou, G., Geraga, M., Iatrou, M., Fakiris, E., Christodoulou, D., Koutsikopoulos, C., Dimitriou, E. (2010). Fjord water circulation patterns and dysoxia/anoxia conditions in a Mediterranean embayment, Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88 (4), pp. 473-481. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.05.006
  • Etiope G., Christodoulou D., Kordella S., Marinaro G., Papatheodorou G. (2013). Offshore and onshore seepage of thermogenic gas at Katakolo Bay (Western Greece). Chemical Geology 339 , pp. 115-126.
  • Avramidis, P., Bekiari, V., Christodoulou, D., Papatheodorou, G. (2014). Sedimentology and water column stratification in a permanent anoxic Mediterranean lagoon environment, Aetoliko Lagoon, western Greece. Environmental Earth Sciences, v. 73 (9), pp 5687-5701.
  • Ferentinos G., Papatheodorou G., Geraga M., Christodoulou D., Fakiris E., Iatrou M. (2015). The Disappearance of Helike-Classical Greece—New Remote Sensing and Geological Evidence. In: R. Lasaponara  & N. Masini (eds). New Perspectives of Remote Sensing for Archaeology, Remote Sensing Sp. Is. Remote Sensing Vol. 7, Is 2, 2015, pp 1263-1278.
  • Nixon C.W., McNeill L.C., Bull J.M, Bell R.E., Gawthorpe R.L., Henstock T.J., Christodoulou D., Ford M.,  Taylor B.,  Sakellariou D.,  Ferentinos G.,  Papatheodorou G.,  Leeder M.R.,  Collier R.E.L.I.,  Goodliffe A.M.,  Sachpazi M.,  Kranis H. (2016). Rapid spatiotemporal variations in rift structure during development of the Corinth Rift, central Greece. Tectonics, Vol. 35 (5), pp 1225-1248.
  • Ferentinos G., Georgiou N., Christodoulou D., Geraga M., Papatheodorou G., 2018. Propagation and termination of a strike slip fault in an extensional domain: the westward growth of the north anatolian fault into the Aegean Sea. Tectonophysics, Accepted for publication.
  • Fakiris, E.; Blondel, P.; Papatheodorou, G.; Christodoulou, D.; Dimas, X.; Georgiou, N.; Kordella, S.; Dimitriadis, C.; Rzhanov, Y.; Geraga, M.; Ferentinos, G. Multi-Frequency, Multi-Sonar Mapping of Shallow Habitats—Efficacy and Management Implications in the National Marine Park of Zakynthos, Greece. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 461.
  • Ferentinos G., Fakiris E., Christodoulou D., Geraga M., Dimas X., Georgiou N., Kordella S., Papatheodorou G., Prevenios M., Sotiropoulos M., 2020. Optimal sidescan sonar and subbottom profiler surveying of ancient wrecks: The ‘Fiskardo’ wreck, Kefallinia Island, Ionian Sea. Journal of Archaeological Science. V. 113, Jan 2020, 105032.

Curriculum Vitae


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