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  • Μονιμοποίηση - Τμήμα Γεωλογίας Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών, Department of Geology, University of Patras

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Dr Vayia Xanthopoulou

Postdoctoral researcher / WD-ED XRF and RAMAN spectrometers technician
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Educational Qualifications: BSc (Patras), MSc (Patras), PhD (Patras)

Researcher Profile 


Research Interests

  • Archaeometric Studies with Emphasis on Evaluation and Provenance of ancient ceramics, the analysis of raw material and the experimental petrology


  • Liritzis, I., Xanthopoulou, V., Palamara, E., Papageorgiou, I., Iliopoulos, I., Zacharias, N., & Vafiadou, A., (submitted). XRF and statistical analysis for characterization and provenance of ceramic artifacts and local clays from Late Mycenaean Kastrouli (Greece). Geosciences.
  • Liritzis, I., Bednarik, R., Polymeris, G., Iliopoulos, I., Zacharias, N., Kumar G., Vafiadou, A. and Bratitsi, M., (2019). Daraki-Chattan rock art constrained osl chronology and multianalytical techniques: a first pilot investigation. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 37, 29-43.
  • Bratitsi M., Liritzis I., Vafiadou A., Xanthopoulou V., Palamara E., Iliopoulos I., Zacharias, N., (2018). Critical assessment of chromatic index in archaeological ceramics by Munsell and RGB: novel contribution to characterization and provenance studies. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 18(2), pp.175-212.
  • Katsonopoulou, D., Iliopoulos, I., Katsarou S., & Xanthopoulou, V., (2016). Craftsmanship of big storage pithoi in the Early Helladic settlement of Helike, Achaea. BAR S2780 Proceedings of the 6th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry, Edited by E. Photos-Jones in collaboration with Y. Bassiakos, E. Filippaki, A. Hein, I. Karatasios, V. Kilikoglou and E. Kouloumpi.  British Archaeological Reports Ltd.
  • Iliopoulos, I. and Xanthopoulou, V., (2016). Ancient Ceramic Technology During Early Bronze Age in Helike. A Petrographic and Chemical Approach (In: Katsonopoulou D., (ed.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference. Poseidon, God of Earthquakes and Waters-Cult and Sanctuaries. Fifth International Conference, Aigion, October 4-6, 2013.
  • Iliopoulos, I., Xanthopoulou V. and Tsolis - Katagas P., A Petrographic Assessment of Houseware and Storage Pithoi in the Early Helladic Settlement of Helike, Achaea, Greece. In: Katsonopoulou D. (ed.). Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference. Ancient Helike and Aigialeia. Protohelladika: the Southern and Central Greek Mainland. Fourth International Conference, Nikolaiika, Diakopton, 1-3 September

Curriculum Vitae


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Dr. Christos Kanellopoulos

University Scholar
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Office hours

  • Tuesday 15:00-17:00


Educational Qualifications: BSc (NKUA), MSc (NKUA), PhD (NKUA)

Researcher Profile 


Research Interests

  • Geochemistry
  • Environmental geochemistry/ geology
  • Ore deposits / Industrial minerals
  • Sustainable Development
  • Geothermal systems/energy
  • Travertines / Carbonate sedimentology
  • Geomicrobiology
  • Igneous petrology
  • Mineralogy
  • G.I.S.
  • CO2


  • GEO_503E Industrial minerals
  • Geol_077 Environmental and applied Geochemistry
  • GEO_814E Methods on Research and Analysis of Minerals and Rocks



  • Kanellopoulos, C., 2012. Distribution, lithotypes and mineralogical study of newly formed thermogenic travertines in Northern Euboea and Eastern Central Greece. Open Geosciences (former Central European Journal of Geosciences), 4(4), 545-560, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/s13533-012-0105-z
  • Kanellopoulos, C. and Argyraki, A., 2013. Soil baseline geochemistry and plant response in areas of complex geology. Application to NW Euboea, Greece. Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry, 73(4), 519-532, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemer.2013.06.006
  • Kanellopoulos, C., Argyraki, A., Mitropoulos, P., 2015. Geochemistry of serpentine agricultural soil and associated groundwater chemistry and vegetation in the area of Atalanti, Greece. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 158, 22-33, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2015.06.013
  • Kanellopoulos, C., Lamprinou, V., Mitropoulos, P., Voudouris, P., 2015. Thermogenic travertine deposits in Thermopylae hot springs (Greece) in association with cyanobacterial microflora. Carbonates and Evaporites Journal, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13146-015-0255-4
  • Gemeni, V., Vasilatos, C., Koukouzas, N., Kanellopoulos, C., 2015. Geochemical consequences in shallow aquifers from the long-term presence of CO2 in a natural field: The case of Florina Basin, W. Macedonia, Greece. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 6(4), 450-469, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ghg.1574
  • Papavassiliou, K., Voudouris, P., Kanellopoulos, C., Glasby, G., Alfieris, D., Mitsis, I., 2016. New geochemical and mineralogical constraints on the genesis of the Vani hydrothermal manganese deposit at NW Milos island, Greece: Comparison with the Aspro Gialoudi deposit and implications for the formation of the Milos manganese mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews, 80, 594-611, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.07.023
  • Stouraiti, C., Patziris, I., Vasilatos, C., Kanellopoulos, C., Mitropoulos, P., Moritz, R., Chiaradia, M., 2017. Ophiolitic remnants from the Upper Unit of the Attic‐Cycladic Crystalline Belt (Aegean, Greece):  fingerprinting geochemical affinities of magmatic precursors. Geosciences Journal, 7(1), 1-32, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences7010014
  • Kanellopoulos, C., Mitropoulos, P., Valsami-Jones, E., Voudouris, P., 2017. A new terrestrial active mineralizing hydrothermal system associated with ore-bearing travertines in Greece (northern Euboea Island and Sperchios area). Journal of Geochemical Exploration 179, 9-24, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2017.05.003
  • Kanellopoulos, C., Mitropoulos, P., Argyraki, A., 2018. Radiological and hydrochemical study of thermal and fresh groundwater samples of northern Euboea and Sperchios areas, Greece: Insights into groundwater natural radioactivity and geology. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Journal 190:265, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-018-6643-1
  • Venturi, S., Tassi, F., Vaselli, O., Vougioukalakis, G.E., Rashed, H., Kanellopoulos, C., Caponi, C., Capecchiacci, F., Cabassi, J., Ricci, A., Giannini, L., 2018. Active hydrothermal fluids circulation triggering small-scale collapse events: the case of the 2001-2002 fissure in the Lakki Plain (Nisyros Island, Aegean Sea, Greece). Natural Hazards Journal, 93(2), 601-626, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-018-3318-8
  • Kanellopoulos, C., Valsami-Jones, E., Voudouris, P., Stouraiti, C., Moritz, R., Mavrogonatos, C., Mitropoulos, P., 2018. A new occurrence of terrestrial native iron in the earth`s surface: The Ilia thermogenic travertine case, northwestern Euboea, Greece. Geosciences Journal, 8, 287, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences8080287
  • Kanellopoulos, C., Thomas, C., Xirokostas, N., Ariztegui, D., 2019. Banded Iron Travertines at the Ilia Hot Spring (Greece): An interplay of biotic and abiotic factors leading to a modern BIF analog? The Depositional Record, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/dep2.55

Curriculum Vitae


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Dr. Vasiliki Zygouri

Post Doctoral Researcher – Academic Scholar
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Educational Qualifications: BSc (University of Patras), MSc (University of Patras), PhD (University of Patras)

Researcher Profile 


Research Interests

  • Active Faulting
  • Tectonic Geomorphology
  • Paleoseismology
  • Secondary earthquake effects
  • Quantitative monitoring of post-earthquake landslides


  • GEO_502E Earthquake Geology
  • GEO_608E Applications of Remote Sensing in Geology


  • Koukouvelas, I., Nikolakopoulos, K., Zygouri, V., Kyriou, A., (in press). UAV data and field measurements for post seismic monitoring of a cliff under intensive mass-wasting: the case of the Egremni area, Lefkada Island, Greece. Geomorphology.
  • Nikolakopoulos, K., Kyriou, A., Koukouvelas, I., Zygouri, V., Apostolopoulos, D., (2019). Combination of Aerial, Satellite, and UAV Photogrammetry for Mapping the Diachronic Coastline Evolution: The case of Lefkada Island. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8, Open Access.
  • Zygouri, V., Koukouvelas, I., (2019). Landslides and Natural Dams in the Krathis River, north Peloponnese, Greece. Journal of the Engineering Geology and the Environment, 78, 207-222.
  • Koukouvelas, I.K., Zygouri, V., Nikolakopoulos, K., Verroios, S., (2018). Treatise on the tectonic geomorphology of active faults: The significance of using a Universal Digital Elevation Model. Journal of Structural Geology, 116, 241-252.
  • Koukouvelas, I.K., Zygouri, V., Papadopoulos, G.A., Verroios S., (2017). Holocene record of slip-predictable earthquakes on the Kenchreai Fault, Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Journal of Structural Geology, 94, 258-274.
  • Zygouri, V., Koukouvelas, I., (2016). Techniques of rockfall inventory in earthquake prone rock slopes. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. L, 1756-1765.
  • Zygouri, V., Koukouvelas, I., Ganas, A., (2016). Palaeoseismological analysis of the East Giouchtas Fault, Heraklion Basin, Crete (Preliminary results). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. L, 555-565.
  • Koukouvelas, I., Litoseliti, A., Nikolakopoulos, K., Zygouri, V., (2015). Earthquake triggered rockfalls and their role in the development of a rock slope: the case study of Skolis Mountain, Greece. Engineering Geology, 191, 71-85.
  • Zygouri, V., Koukouvelas, I.K., Kokkalas, S., Xypolias, P., Papadopoulos, G.A., (2015). The Nisi Fault as a key structure for understanding the active deformation of the NW Peloponnese, Greece. Geomorphology, 237, 142-156.
  • Tsapanos, T., Koravos, G., Zygouri, V., Tsapanos, M., Kortsari, A., Kijko, A., Kalogirou, E., (2011). Seismic Hazard Analysis for the city of Corinth, Central Greece. Journal of Balkan Geophysical Society, 14, 1 – 14.
  • Zygouri, V., (2010). Probabilistic Hazard Assessment, using Arias Intensity Equation, in the eastern part of the Gulf of Corinth (Greece). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. XLIII, 527 – 535.
  • Zygouri, V., Verroiοs, S., Kokkalas, S., Xypolias, P., Koukouvelas, I., (2008). Scaling properties within the Gulf of Corinth, Greece; comparison between offshore and onshore active faults. Tectonophysics, 453, 193-210.

Curriculum Vitae


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Dr. Dimitris Christodoulou

University Scholar
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Office hours

  • Thursday 11:00-13:00


Educational Qualifications: BSc (University of Patras), MSc (University of Patras), PhD (University of Patras)

Researcher Profile 


Research Interests

  • Seabed Fluid Flows
  • Marine Geological Processes
  • Processes and impacts of hypoxic / anoxic environments
  • Marine remote sensing surveys in underwater archaeological sites
  • Marine litter
  • Environmental Oceanography
  • Marine geological hazards and their impact on human activities


  • GEO__705 Environmental Oceanography


  • Christodoulou D., Papatheodorou G., Ferentinos G., Masson M. (2003): "Active seepage in two contrasting pockmark fields in Patras and Corinth Gulfs, Greece". Geo-Marine Letters 23: 194-199.
  • Etiope G., Papatheodorou G., Christodoulou D., Favali P., Ferentinos G., E. Sokos (2006) Methane and hydrogen sulfide seepage in the NW Peloponnesus petroliferous basin (Greece): origin and geohazard. AAPG Bulletin v. 90, No. 5, pp. 701-713.
  • Etiope, G., G, Papatheodorou, D. Christodoulou, M. Geraga, P. Favali (2006): The geological links of the ancient Delphic Oracle (Greece): A reappraisal of natural gas occurrence and origin. Geology v. 34, no. 10, p. 821-824.
  • Marinaro, G., G, Etiope, N. Lo Bue, P. Favali, G. Papatheodorou, D. Christodoulou, F. Furlan, F. Gasparoni, G. Ferentinos, M. Masson, J-F. Rolin (2006) Monitoring of a methane-seeping pockmark by cabled benthic observatory (Patras Gulf, Greece), Geo-Marine letters 26:297-302.
  • Ferentinos, G., Papatheodorou, G., Geraga, M., Iatrou, M., Fakiris, E., Christodoulou, D., Koutsikopoulos, C., Dimitriou, E. (2010). Fjord water circulation patterns and dysoxia/anoxia conditions in a Mediterranean embayment, Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88 (4), pp. 473-481. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.05.006
  • Etiope G., Christodoulou D., Kordella S., Marinaro G., Papatheodorou G. (2013). Offshore and onshore seepage of thermogenic gas at Katakolo Bay (Western Greece). Chemical Geology 339 , pp. 115-126.
  • Avramidis, P., Bekiari, V., Christodoulou, D., Papatheodorou, G. (2014). Sedimentology and water column stratification in a permanent anoxic Mediterranean lagoon environment, Aetoliko Lagoon, western Greece. Environmental Earth Sciences, v. 73 (9), pp 5687-5701.
  • Ferentinos G., Papatheodorou G., Geraga M., Christodoulou D., Fakiris E., Iatrou M. (2015). The Disappearance of Helike-Classical Greece—New Remote Sensing and Geological Evidence. In: R. Lasaponara  & N. Masini (eds). New Perspectives of Remote Sensing for Archaeology, Remote Sensing Sp. Is. Remote Sensing Vol. 7, Is 2, 2015, pp 1263-1278.
  • Nixon C.W., McNeill L.C., Bull J.M, Bell R.E., Gawthorpe R.L., Henstock T.J., Christodoulou D., Ford M.,  Taylor B.,  Sakellariou D.,  Ferentinos G.,  Papatheodorou G.,  Leeder M.R.,  Collier R.E.L.I.,  Goodliffe A.M.,  Sachpazi M.,  Kranis H. (2016). Rapid spatiotemporal variations in rift structure during development of the Corinth Rift, central Greece. Tectonics, Vol. 35 (5), pp 1225-1248.
  • Ferentinos G., Georgiou N., Christodoulou D., Geraga M., Papatheodorou G., 2018. Propagation and termination of a strike slip fault in an extensional domain: the westward growth of the north anatolian fault into the Aegean Sea. Tectonophysics, Accepted for publication.
  • Fakiris, E.; Blondel, P.; Papatheodorou, G.; Christodoulou, D.; Dimas, X.; Georgiou, N.; Kordella, S.; Dimitriadis, C.; Rzhanov, Y.; Geraga, M.; Ferentinos, G. Multi-Frequency, Multi-Sonar Mapping of Shallow Habitats—Efficacy and Management Implications in the National Marine Park of Zakynthos, Greece. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 461.
  • Ferentinos G., Fakiris E., Christodoulou D., Geraga M., Dimas X., Georgiou N., Kordella S., Papatheodorou G., Prevenios M., Sotiropoulos M., 2020. Optimal sidescan sonar and subbottom profiler surveying of ancient wrecks: The ‘Fiskardo’ wreck, Kefallinia Island, Ionian Sea. Journal of Archaeological Science. V. 113, Jan 2020, 105032.

Curriculum Vitae


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Dr. Aikaterini Rogkala

Post-Doctoral Researcher/ Adjunct lecturer (assistant prof) (P.D. 407/80)
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Office hours

  • Monday 11:00-12:00
  • Wednesday 11:00-12:00


Educational Qualifications: BSc (University of Patras), MSc (University of Patras), PhD (University of Patras)

Researcher Profile 


Research Interests

  • Petrogenetic evolution of ophiolite complex
  • Igneous petrology
  • Metasomatic processes


  • Geol_026 Petrography of sedimentary and metamorphic rock


  • ROGKALA, A., PETROUNIAS, P., TSIKOURAS, B., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2017. New occurrence of pyroxenites in the Veria-Naousa ophiolite: implications on their origin and petrogenetic evolution. Geosciences 7 (4), 92.
  • NIKOLAKOPOULOS, K.G., LAMPROPOULOU, P., PAPOULIS, D., ROGKALA, A., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., PETROUNIAS, P., 2018. Combined Use of Remote Sensing Data, Mineralogical Analyses, Microstructure Studies and Geographic Information System for Geological Mapping of Antiparos Island (Greece). Geosciences 8 (3), 96.
  • PETROUNIAS, P., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., ROGKALA, A., STAMATIS, P.M., TSIKOURAS, B., PAPOULIS, D., LAMPROPOULOU, D., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. The Influence of Alteration of Aggregates on the Quality of the Concrete: A Case Study from Serpentinites and Andesites from Central Macedonia (North Greece). Geosciences 8 (4), 115.
  • GIANNAKOPOULOU, P., PETROUNIAS, P., ROGKALA, A., TSIKOURAS, B., STAMATIS, P.M., POMONIS, P., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. The Influence of the Mineralogical Composition of Ultramafic Rocks on Their Engineering Performance: A Case Study from the Veria-Naousa and Gerania Ophiolite Complexes (Greece). Geosciences 8 (7), 251.
  • PETROUNIAS, P., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., ROGKALA, A., LAMPROPOULOU, P., KOUTSOPOULOU, E., PAPOULIS, D., TSIKOURAS, D., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. The Impact of Secondary Phyllosilicate Minerals on the Engineering Properties of Various Igneous Aggregates from Greece. Minerals 8 (8), 329.
  • PETROUNIAS, P., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., ROGKALA, A., STAMATIS, P.M., LAMPROPOULOU, P., TSIKOURAS, B., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. The Effect of Petrographic Characteristics and Physico-Mechanical Properties of Aggregates on the Quality of Concrete. Minerals 8 (12), 577.
  • GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., PETROUNIAS, P., TSIKOURAS, B., KALAITZIDIS, S., ROGKALA, A., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. Using Factor Analysis to Determine the Interrelationships between the Engineering Properties of Aggregates from Igneous Rocks in Greece. Minerals 8 (12), 580.
  • ROGKALA, A., PETROUNIAS, P., TSIKOURAS, B., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2019. Mineralogical Evidence for Partial Melting and Melt-Rock Interaction Processes in the Mantle Peridotites of Edessa Ophiolite (North Greece). Minerals 9 (2), 120.
  • PETROUNIAS, P., ROGKALA, A., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., TSIKOURAS, B., LAMPROPOULOU, P., KALAITZIDIS, S., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., LAMBRAKIS, N., CHRISTOPOULOU, M.A., 2019. An Experimental Study for the Remediation of Industrial Waste Water Using a Combination of Low Cost Mineral Raw Materials. Minerals 9 (4), 207.
  • PETROUNIAS, P., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., ROGKALA, A., LAMPROPOULOU, P., TSIKOURAS, B., RIGOPOULOS, I., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2019. Petrographic and Mechanical Characteristics of Concrete Produced by Different Type of Recycled materials. Geosciences 9 (6), 264.

Curriculum Vitae


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Dr. Panagiota Giannakopoulou

Adjunct lecturer (assistant prof) (P.D. 407/80)
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Office hours

  • Monday 10:00-13:00


Educational Qualifications: BSc (University of Patras), MSc (University of Patras), PhD (University of Patras)

Researcher Profile 


Research Interests

  • Applied Petrography
  • Applications of Aggregate Materials


  • GΕΟ_402 Petrography of Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks


  • Nikolakopoulos, K.G., Lampropoulou, P., Papoulis, D., Rogkala, A., Giannakopoulou, P.P., Petrounias, P. 2018. Combined Use of Remote Sensing Data, Mineralogical Analyses, Microstructure Studies and Geographic Information System for Geological Mapping of Antiparos Island (Greece). Geosciences. 8, 96.
  • Petrounias, P., Giannakopoulou, P.P., Rogkala, A., Stamatis, P.M., Tsikouras, B., Papoulis, D., Lampropoulou, P., Hatzipanagiotou, K. 2018. The Influence of Alteration of Aggregates on the Quality of the Concrete: A Case Study from Serpentinites and Andesites from Central Macedonia (North Greece). Geosciences 8, 115.
  • Giannakopoulou, P.P., Petrounias, P., Rogkala, A., Tsikouras, B., Stamatis, P.M., Pomonis, P., Hatzipanagiotou, K. 2018. The Influence of the Mineralogical Composition of Ultramafic Rocks on Their Engineering Performance: A Case Study from the Veria-Naousa and Gerania Ophiolite Complexes (Greece). Geosciences. 8, 251.
  • Petrounias, P., Giannakopoulou, P.P., Rogkala, A., Lampropoulou, P., Koutsopoulou, E., Papoulis, D., Tsikouras, B., Hatzipanagiotou, K. 2018. The Impact of Secondary Phyllosilicate Minerals on the Engineering Properties of Various Igneous Aggregates from Greece. Minerals. 8, 329.
  • Petrounias, P., Giannakopoulou, P.P., Rogkala, A., Stamatis, P.M, Lampropoulou, P., Tsikouras, B., Hatzipanagiotou. K. 2018. The effect of petrographic characteristics and physico-mechanical properties of aggregates on the quality of concrete. Minerals, 8 (12), 577. doi.org/10.3390/min8120577.
  • Giannakopoulou, P.P., Petrounias, P., Tsikouras, B., Kalaitzidis, S., Rogkala A., Hatzipanagiotou, K., Tombros, S.F. 2018. Using Factor analysis to determine the interrelationships between the engineering properties of aggregates from igneous rocks in Greece, Minerals, 8 (12), 580. doi.org/10.3390/min8120580.
  • Rogkala, A., Petrounias, P., Tsikouras, B., Giannakopoulou, P.P., Hatzipanagiotou, K., 2019. Mineralogical evidence for partial melting and melt-rock interaction processes in the mantle peridotites of Edessa ophiolite (north Greece). Minerals 9 (2), 120.
  • Petrounias, P., Rogkala, A., Giannakopoulou, P.P., Tsikouras, B., Lampropoulou, P., Kalaitzidis, S., Hatzipanagiotou, K., Lambrakis, N., Christopoulou, M.A. 2019. An Experimental Study for the Remediation of Industrial Waste Water Using a Combination of Low Cost Mineral Raw Materials. Minerals, 9, 207.
  • Petrounias, P., Giannakopoulou, P.P., Rogkala, A., Lampropoulou, P., Tsikouras, B., Rigopoulos, I., Hatzipanagiotou, K. 2019. Petrographic and Mechanical Characteristics of Concrete Produced by Different Type of Recycled Materials. Geosciences, 9, 264.

Curriculum Vitae


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Dr. Petros Petrounias

University Scholar
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Office hours

  • Monday 10:00-11:00
  • Wednesday 10:00-11:00


Educational Qualifications: BSc (University of Patras), MSc (University of Patras), PhD (University of Patras)

Researcher Profile 


Research Interests

  • Applied petrography
  • Concrete petrography
  • Construction and environmental applications for mineral and rock materials


  • GEO_609E Marbles and aggregate rocks


  • ROGKALA, A., PETROUNIAS, P., TSIKOURAS, B., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2016. Petrogenetic significance of spinels from serpentinised peridotites from the Veria- Naousa ophiolite.-Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, Proceedings 14th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece, 25-27/5/2016, 50, 1999-2008.
  • PETROUNIAS, P., ROGKALA, A., KALPOGIANNAKI, M., TSIKOURAS, B., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2016. Comparative study of physico-mechanical properties of ultrabasic rocks (Veria-Naousa ophiolite) and andesites from central Macedonia (Greece).-Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, Proceedings 14th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece, 25-27/5/2016, 50, 1989-1998.
  • ROGKALA, A., PETROUNIAS, P., TSIKOURAS, B., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2017. New occurrence of pyroxenites in the Veria-Naousa ophiolite: implications on their origin and petrogenetic evolution. Geosciences 7 (4), 92.
  • NIKOLAKOPOULOS, K.G., LAMPROPOULOU, P., PAPOULIS, D., ROGKALA, A., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., PETROUNIAS, P., 2018. Combined Use of Remote Sensing Data, Mineralogical Analyses, Microstructure Studies and Geographic Information System for Geological Mapping of Antiparos Island (Greece). Geosciences 8 (3), 96.
  • PETROUNIAS, P., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., ROGKALA, A., STAMATIS, P.M., TSIKOURAS, B., PAPOULIS, D., LAMPROPOULOU, D., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. The Influence of Alteration of Aggregates on the Quality of the Concrete: A Case Study from Serpentinites and Andesites from Central Macedonia (North Greece). Geosciences 8 (4), 115.
  • GIANNAKOPOULOU, P., PETROUNIAS, P., ROGKALA, A., TSIKOURAS, B., STAMATIS, P.M., POMONIS, P., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. The Influence of the Mineralogical Composition of Ultramafic Rocks on Their Engineering Performance: A Case Study from the Veria-Naousa and Gerania Ophiolite Complexes (Greece). Geosciences 8 (7), 251.
  • PETROYNIAS, P., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., ROGKALA, A., LAMPROPOULOU, P., KOUTSOPOULOU, E., PAPOULIS, D., TSIKOURAS, D., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. The Impact of Secondary Phyllosilicate Minerals on the Engineering Properties of Various Igneous Aggregates from Greece. Minerals 8 (8), 329.
  • PETROUNIAS, P., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., ROGKALA, A., STAMATIS, P.M., LAMPROPOULOU, P., TSIKOURAS, B., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. The Effect of Petrographic Characteristics and Physico-Mechanical Properties of Aggregates on the Quality of Concrete. Minerals 8 (12), 577.
  • GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., PETROUNIAS, P., TSIKOURAS, B., KALAITZIDIS, S., ROGKALA, A., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. Using Factor Analysis to Determine the Interrelationships between the Engineering Properties of Aggregates from Igneous Rocks in Greece. Minerals 8 (12), 580.
  • ROGKALA, A., PETROUNIAS, P., TSIKOURAS, B., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2019. Mineralogical Evidence for Partial Melting and Melt-Rock Interaction Processes in the Mantle Peridotites of Edessa Ophiolite (North Greece). Minerals 9 (2), 120.
  • PETROUNIAS, P., ROGKALA, A., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., TSIKOURAS, B., LAMPROPOULOU, P., KALAITZIDIS, S., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., LAMBRAKIS, N., CHRISTOPOULOU, M.A., 2019. An Experimental Study for the Remediation of Industrial Waste Water Using a Combination of Low Cost Mineral Raw Materials. Minerals 9 (4), 207.
  • PETROUNIAS, P., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., ROGKALA, A., LAMPROPOULOU, P., TSIKOURAS, B., RIGOPOULOS, I., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2019. Petrographic and Mechanical Characteristics of Concrete Produced by Different Type of Recycled materials. Geosciences 9 (6), 264.

Curriculum Vitae