• Z17 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Deinosauros 2.5x PP 6 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Clypeaster Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Erasmus Nanterre
    "Erasmus+ mobility: Maison Archéologie & Ethnologie, CNRS/Université Paris Nanterre"
  • Efthimios Sokos 20160812 143123 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Zaggana Piges Lourou Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • 04
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stavros Kalaitzidis   WP 20160727 14 04 37 Pro Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Φοιτητές
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • 02
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Zaggana Piges Labras Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Σαλιγκάρια
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Το τμήμα
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Gigapan_Iliopoulos

  • 03
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stavros Kalaitzidis   DSC05214 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stavros Kalaitzidis   20160530 113104 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • 40 Mini
    "40 years Deparment of Geology"
  • Ύπαιθρος
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Karstiki Pigi Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Stone Tools Astypalaia
    "Archaeometric study of Early Bronze Age stone tools in Astypalaia"
  • Stavros Kalaitzidis   IMG 2490 Mini
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • Τμήμα Γεωλογίας, Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"
  • SEM micrograph of an ancient ceramic fresh fracture
    "Department of Geology, Faculty of Science"

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Dr. Aikaterini Rogkala

Post-Doctoral Researcher/ Adjunct lecturer (assistant prof) (P.D. 407/80)
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Office hours

  • Monday 11:00-12:00
  • Wednesday 11:00-12:00


Educational Qualifications: BSc (University of Patras), MSc (University of Patras), PhD (University of Patras)

Researcher Profile 


Research Interests

  • Petrogenetic evolution of ophiolite complex
  • Igneous petrology
  • Metasomatic processes


  • Geol_026 Petrography of sedimentary and metamorphic rock


  • ROGKALA, A., PETROUNIAS, P., TSIKOURAS, B., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2017. New occurrence of pyroxenites in the Veria-Naousa ophiolite: implications on their origin and petrogenetic evolution. Geosciences 7 (4), 92.
  • NIKOLAKOPOULOS, K.G., LAMPROPOULOU, P., PAPOULIS, D., ROGKALA, A., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., PETROUNIAS, P., 2018. Combined Use of Remote Sensing Data, Mineralogical Analyses, Microstructure Studies and Geographic Information System for Geological Mapping of Antiparos Island (Greece). Geosciences 8 (3), 96.
  • PETROUNIAS, P., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., ROGKALA, A., STAMATIS, P.M., TSIKOURAS, B., PAPOULIS, D., LAMPROPOULOU, D., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. The Influence of Alteration of Aggregates on the Quality of the Concrete: A Case Study from Serpentinites and Andesites from Central Macedonia (North Greece). Geosciences 8 (4), 115.
  • GIANNAKOPOULOU, P., PETROUNIAS, P., ROGKALA, A., TSIKOURAS, B., STAMATIS, P.M., POMONIS, P., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. The Influence of the Mineralogical Composition of Ultramafic Rocks on Their Engineering Performance: A Case Study from the Veria-Naousa and Gerania Ophiolite Complexes (Greece). Geosciences 8 (7), 251.
  • PETROUNIAS, P., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., ROGKALA, A., LAMPROPOULOU, P., KOUTSOPOULOU, E., PAPOULIS, D., TSIKOURAS, D., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. The Impact of Secondary Phyllosilicate Minerals on the Engineering Properties of Various Igneous Aggregates from Greece. Minerals 8 (8), 329.
  • PETROUNIAS, P., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., ROGKALA, A., STAMATIS, P.M., LAMPROPOULOU, P., TSIKOURAS, B., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. The Effect of Petrographic Characteristics and Physico-Mechanical Properties of Aggregates on the Quality of Concrete. Minerals 8 (12), 577.
  • GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., PETROUNIAS, P., TSIKOURAS, B., KALAITZIDIS, S., ROGKALA, A., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2018. Using Factor Analysis to Determine the Interrelationships between the Engineering Properties of Aggregates from Igneous Rocks in Greece. Minerals 8 (12), 580.
  • ROGKALA, A., PETROUNIAS, P., TSIKOURAS, B., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2019. Mineralogical Evidence for Partial Melting and Melt-Rock Interaction Processes in the Mantle Peridotites of Edessa Ophiolite (North Greece). Minerals 9 (2), 120.
  • PETROUNIAS, P., ROGKALA, A., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., TSIKOURAS, B., LAMPROPOULOU, P., KALAITZIDIS, S., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., LAMBRAKIS, N., CHRISTOPOULOU, M.A., 2019. An Experimental Study for the Remediation of Industrial Waste Water Using a Combination of Low Cost Mineral Raw Materials. Minerals 9 (4), 207.
  • PETROUNIAS, P., GIANNAKOPOULOU, P.P., ROGKALA, A., LAMPROPOULOU, P., TSIKOURAS, B., RIGOPOULOS, I., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2019. Petrographic and Mechanical Characteristics of Concrete Produced by Different Type of Recycled materials. Geosciences 9 (6), 264.

Curriculum Vitae


Tags: Adjunct Faculty