- Roumelioti, Z., F. Hollender and Ph. Gueguen (2020). Rainfall-Induced Variation of Seismic Waves Velocity in Soil and Implications for Soil Response: what the ARGONET (Cephalonia, Greece) vertical array data reveal, Seism. Soc. Am., in press.
- Hollender, F., Roumelioti, E. Maufroy, P. Traversa and A. Mariscal (2020). Can we trust high-frequency content in strong-motion database signals? Impact of housing, coupling and installation depth of seismic sensors, submitted .
- Cushing, E. M., F. Hollender, D. Moiriat, C. Guyonnet-Benaize, N. Theodoulidis, E. Pons-Branchu, S. Sepulcre, P.-Y. Bard, C. Cornou, A. Dechamp, A. Mariscal and Roumelioti (2020). Building a three dimensional model of the active Plio-Quaternary basin of Argostoli (Cephalonia Island, Greece): an integrated geophysical and geological approach, Engineering Geology, 265, 105441, Open Access Link.
- Riga, E., F. Hollender, Roumelioti, P.-Y. Bard and K. Pitilakis (2019). Assessing the applicability of deconvolution of borehole records for determining near-surface shear wave attenuation, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am, 109(2), 621-635.
- Giannaraki, G., I. Kassaras, Roumelioti, Z., Kazantzidou-Firtinidou, D. and A. Ganas (2019). Deterministic seismic risk assessment in the city of Aigion (W. Corinth Gulf, Greece) and juxtaposition with real damage due to the 1995 Mw6.4 earthquake, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 17(2), 603-634.
- Theodoulidis, N., F. Hollender, A. Mariscal, D. Moiriat, P.-Y. Bard, A. Konidaris, M. Cushing, K. Konstantinidou and Roumelioti (2018). The ARGONET (Greece) Seismic Observatory: An accelerometric vertical array and associated data, Seismological Research Letters, 89(4), 1555-1565, doi:10.1785/0220180042.
- Maufroy, E., E. Chaljub, N.P. Theodoulidis, Roumelioti, F. Hollender, P.-Y. Bard, F. de Martin and L. Margerin (2017). Source-related variability of site response in the Mygdonian basin (Greece) from accelerometric recordings and 3-D numerical simulations, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 107(2), 787-808.
- Ktenidou, O.-J., Roumelioti, N. Abrahamson, F. Cotton, K. Pitilakis and F. Hollender (2017). Understanding single-station ground motion variability and uncertainty (sigma): lessons learnt from EUROSEISTEST, Bull. Earth. Eng. doi:10.1007/s10518-017-0098-6.
- Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi, B. Margaris and A. Chatzipetros (2017). Simulation of strong ground motion on near-fault rock outcrop for engineering purposes: the case of the city of Xanthi (northern Greece), Bull. of Earthq. Eng 15(1), 25-49.
- Aggarwal, S.K., P.K. Khan, S.P. Mohanty and Roumelioti (2016). Moment tensors, state of stress and their relation to faulting processes in Gujarat, Western India, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, A/B/C 95, 19-35.
- Pitilakis, K., S. Karapetrou, D. Bindi, M. Manakou, B. Petrovic, Z. Roumelioti, T. Boxberger and S. Parolai (2016). Structural monitoring and earthquake early warning systems for the AHEPA hospital in Thessaloniki, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 14(9), 2543-2563.