
Sector Staff | Sector of Applied Geology & Geophysics

Teaching Staff

Depountis Nikolaos | Assitance Professor |  Applied Geology & Geophysics |  +30 2610 997565

Depountis Nikolaos

Depountis Nikolaos

appointment: Assitance Professor
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
office: 101
 +30 2610 997565 |  +30 2610 997300 |

Nikolakopoulos Konstantinos | Associate Professor |  Applied Geology & Geophysics |  (+30) 2610 997592

Nikolakopoulos  Konstantinos

Nikolakopoulos Konstantinos

appointment: Associate Professor
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
quick_cv: GIS, Remote sensing
office: 216
 (+30) 2610 997592 |  (+30) 2610 997944 |

Full CV

Roumelioti Zafiria | Assistant Professor |  Applied Geology & Geophysics |  +30 2610 997 540

Roumelioti Zafiria

Roumelioti Zafiria

appointment: Assistant Professor
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics

Orcid ID: 0000-0001-5038-3052
Researcher ID: H-1539-2015
Google Scholar:

office: 215
 +30 2610 997 540 |  +2610 997 300 |

Full CV

Sokos Efthimios | Professor |  Applied Geology & Geophysics |  (+30) 2610 997204

Sokos  Efthimios

Sokos Efthimios

appointment: Professor
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics

Τεχνική Σεισμολογία. Μελέτη Σεισμικής Πηγής. Μικροζωνικές. Σεισμική επικινδυνότητα. Παρακολούθηση σεισμικότητας. Σεισμικά σενάρια.

quick_cv: Seismology, Seismic Sources, Engineering Seismology, Seismic hazard
office: Seismology Lab
 (+30) 2610 997204 |

Full CV

Zaggana Eleni | Assistant Professor |  Applied Geology & Geophysics |  (+30) 2610 997593

Zaggana  Eleni

Zaggana Eleni

appointment: Assistant Professor
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
quick_cv: Applied Hydrogeology, Hydrochemistry
office: 107
 (+30) 2610 997593 |  (+30) 2610 997593 |

Special Teaching Staff

Stephanopoulos Panagiotis | Lab Teaching Staff |  Sector of Appled Geology & Geophysics |  (+30) 2610 962 920

Stephanopoulos Panagiotis

Stephanopoulos Panagiotis

appointment: Lab Teaching Staff
sector: Sector of Appled Geology & Geophysics
office: 108
 (+30) 2610 962 920 |  (+30) 2610 997300 |

Αναλυτικό Βιογραφικό

Paraskevopoulos Paraskevas | Lab Teaching Staff |  Sector of Applied Geology & Geophysics |  (+30) 2610 969369

Paraskevopoulos Paraskevas

appointment: Lab Teaching Staff
sector: Sector of Applied Geology & Geophysics
office: Seismology Lab
 (+30) 2610 969369 |

Simoni Helen | Lab Teaching Staff |  Sector of Applied Geology & Geophysics |  (+30) 2610 997 716

Simoni Helen

Simoni Helen

appointment: Lab Teaching Staff
sector: Sector of Applied Geology & Geophysics
office: 222
 (+30) 2610 997 716 |

Serpetsidaki Anna | Lab Teaching Staff |  Sector of Applied Geology & Geophysics |  (+30) 2610 969369

Serpetsidaki Anna

Serpetsidaki Anna

appointment: Lab Teaching Staff
sector: Sector of Applied Geology & Geophysics
office: Seismology Lab
 (+30) 2610 969369 |

Paliatas Dimitrios | Lab Teaching Staff |  Applied Geology & Geophysics |  (+30) 2610 969369

Paliatas Dimitrios

appointment: Lab Teaching Staff
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
office: Seismology Lab
 (+30) 2610 969369 |

Technician Staff


Andriopoulos George | Emploee |  Applied Geology & Geophysics |  (+30) 2610 969369

Andriopoulos George

appointment: Emploee
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
office: Seismology Lab
 (+30) 2610 969369 |

Germenis Nikolaos | Emploee |  Applied Geology & Geophysics |  (+30) 2610 969369

Germenis Nikolaos

appointment: Emploee
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
office: Seismology Lab
 (+30) 2610 969369 |

Αναλυτικό Βιογραφικό

Skarpelos Christos | Emoloee |  Applied Geology & Geophysics |  (+30) 2610 969369

Skarpelos Christos

appointment: Emoloee
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics
office: Seismology Lab
 (+30) 2610 969369

Emeritus Professor


Kallergis George | Emeritus Professor |  Applied Geology & Geophysics |  2610

Kallergis George

Kallergis George

appointment: Emeritus Professor
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics

Koukis George | Emeritus Professor |  Εφραμοσμένης Γεωλογίας & Γεωφυσικής |  2610

Koukis George

Koukis George

appointment: Emeritus Professor
sector: Εφραμοσμένης Γεωλογίας & Γεωφυσικής
office: 101
 2610 |

Lambrakis Nikolaos | Emeritus Professor |  Applied Geology & Geophysics

Lambrakis Nikolaos

Lambrakis Nikolaos

appointment: Emeritus Professor
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics

Sabatakakis Nikolaos | Emeritus Professor |  Applied Geology & Geophysics

Sabatakakis Nikolaos

Sabatakakis Nikolaos

appointment: Emeritus Professor
sector: Applied Geology & Geophysics